Jul 27, 2011

Fanfic in need of beta + other stuff

So, anyone familiar with my newest fanfic yet? I uploaded it to FF.net last Saturday, and so far I've gotten 6 reviews, 4 alerts and one fave on it. That's the best record I've done so far with any of my fanfics. All the reviews praised my fanfic. No, I'm not lying, they really did. Okay, one said I made awfully lot of grammar mistakes, but I know that I do. My first language is not English, and even though my writing program does proofreading, and I proofread my own texts, I have very much problems with prepositions and such. Finnish, my native language, uses suffixes when inflecting words, so of course I have troubles writing English.
I've been learning English for eight years, and I do exellently in the tests. Despite my A+ grades, I know I'm not perfect. We learn the written form; in real life, people talk with dialects, shorten words, use text talk and abbreviations. I'm not familiar with lots of idioms, so it makes me hard to express stuff. I do understand them, though.

This said, it's clear that I'd do better with a beta reader. Unfortunately, I'm way too shy to talk to people to get one. I know, a blog isn't the best place to say it, because I only have two readers and one of them is a Finn.

(And that definitely was not my original subject for this post...)

So, may I move to my purposed subject now? I was going to tell you that I've changed my plans a bit from what I originally designed Crashlanding to be. It was supposed to be a normal Hurt/Comfort story, but it may in fact turn into a really genius fic to get my OC Amy Whitespot into the Jedi Order. I'm not telling you more about that, but I must tell you that I was inspired by Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile. My mom was watching it when I was starting chapter two, and I'm not really sure how soon I'll get to write that part. I might also change the current chapter one to be part one of the first chapter, the second chapter being part two of first, and making third published chapter the official chapter two. Like this: 'Chapter one, part I: Steel, fuel and blood', 'Chapter one, part II' and 'Chapter two'.

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