Sep 30, 2012

There are no comic books in Finland

Excuse my 'WTF' title, but it's true. Comic books don't exist in Finland in the same way they exist in US. There are no comic book stores or crazy collectors(IMO).

Truthfully, the only comic 'book' making any success is Donald Duck -serial. It's about 50 pages per issue, and a new one comes out every Wednesday. On top of that, there are monthly pocketbooks and big hardcover collections.

To give you some scale, I might as well describe the magazine shelf in any big store: there are lots of DD-paperbacks, some manga, and then collectibles, and then kiddy magazines(that may include comics), and then magazines for teens and adults. Oh yeah, and paperback books are before the comics. Seriously. Book stores don't sell comic books, and specific stores for comics only are non-existent.

Now I don't usually say it's a problem, since I read just manga, actual books and the TCW magazine that Titan publishes. (The double-translated. It first goes to Sweden and then comes in Finland. It sucks. The last issue just reviewed Water War.)

The pic I chose for this post is actually the problem. As you can see, it's an Avengers character'dictionary', with over 200 pages. It's almost 30 euros, and I had my mom buy it for me (I'm poor : <). Total waste of money. The Star Wars book one shelf below would've been more fun, and it was cheaper.

That book isn't for Marvel Cinematic Universe, not even for Ultimates. It's for the original Marvel series. (I think it's Earth-616, feel free to correct me.) That's so outlandish here in Finland that I just read a few pages of this book and then set it aside. There are mentions to Civil War, and many other story arcs I don't have any idea of. My question is: why bring a book like this to market when no-one in the target group will be able to understand it?

Just from the Iron Man's page: there's the fact that Stark used to be the Secretary of Defence, he can access any computer in the world, was one of the founding members of SHIELD... Even his backstory is different from MCU. Plus, the pages have factoids, not any concrete information. Captain America's page kinda spoils that he(Steve) dies in the comics and Bucky takes his place, and a lot of other stuff.

As I said earlier, I'm used to there being a lot of canon material I don't have access to, but this is ridiculous. This book has no point being sold in Finland, since practically no-one will be familiar with the actual stories.

(Then what kind of comics do we have? Well, newspaper strips are the most popular, I think. Most of the actual comics are sold in kids' magazines that have all sorts of toys with them. I think some war-themes comics exist, but they are only sold in biggest stores, and even then they are nearby the kids' section. Sucks to be a Finn.)

Sep 29, 2012

Shoot to thrill

Long time no see! With TCW S5 starting today, I better get my Avengers-review out of the way. Slight spoilers for The Avengers, spoilers for both Iron Mans. (And I'm going to assume the readers know who's who in and out of suit, so I'm not gonna repeat the names and such like I did in the original.)

(This is a translated (and slightly edited/expanded) post from my Finnish blog, Väärällä kädellä. Finns, you're welcome to read this over there, as well, if my English is confusing and/or you want to hear my opinion without Iron Man movies.)

(Note: DVD was released on the fifth of September here in Finland, which is how I'd seen the movie two times before the US release: I got the DVD on the 26th, and before that I had rented it on the 16th.)

So guess who saw the movie two weeks ago and watched it twice in 24 hours? And before you continue, open this in a new tab and close other music sources. You won't be disappointed.

  1. I love the movie
  2. I love the fandom
  3. I can't find gen!fics or 50% of my favorite subject (this has been fixed by now, more in the footnotes)

Sep 23, 2012

Shoot to Thrill

Arvatkaas, kuka löysi uuden lempileffansa viime sunnuntaina ja katsoi sen kahdesti vuorokauden sisään?

Enne kuin jatkatte, klikatkaa tämä auki uuteen välilehteen ja sulkekaa muut musiikinlähteet. Ette tule katumaan.

  1. vitun hyvä leffa
  2. vitun hyvä fandom
  3. ei löydä shippaamattomia ficcejä + en löydä puolta siitä mitä etsin

Asiaan. Ensin taustat. En ole mikään supersankarileffojen fani, Spider-Manit ei kiinnosta ym. En tiedä mikä sai alunperin harkitsemaan tämän leffan näkemistä silloin toukokuussa kun oli valkokankaalla. Ajattelin vain että "olishan toi kiva nähdä, kun nyt vähän muitkain on katsontalistalla". (Nälkäpeli ja Iron Sky. Omistan muuten nyttemmin molemmat DVDllä, ja Nälkäpelin kävin katsomassa.)
Enpä sitten mennytkään katsomaan sitä keväällä, mutta kesällä kun netti .giffas taistelut, oli aika coolia katsoa kaikki "dramaattiset" kohdat.
Enivei, nykypäivään. Vuokrasin DVDn viime sunnuntaina ja VITTU OLIKO HYVÄ LEFFA. Kiroilin vaan vähän kun oli tosi pimee metsätaistelu enkä saanut siitä kohtaa kunnolla selvää. Ja vaikka olinkin nähnyt yhtä sun toista leffasta netissä, ei minulla ollut juonesta hajuakaan.