Aug 12, 2014

Tags & design update (and cute magical girls)

Wild Canada geese with chicks at Korkeasaari Zoo.
I'm currently in the middle of organizing my bookshelves and all the stuff in there to prepare for a move this fall (once I get that TOAS apartment), so no planner or room posts just yet. (I have great ideas for them, though!)

While that is still underway, I'm doing small changes here and there on this blog an numerous other platforms. For example, I don't actually turn 20 until Sep 19th, but I might not get to update all my profiles in due time, or visit them too rarely, so I've updated a few places as early as in mid-July (which is... only two months before the actual date!)

I think it's also notable that I'm probably going to stick my fandom related things towards my LJ from now on to leave this blog more space for general life stuff, uni, and planners.
I got obsessed, can you see? I went and added all the nice A5 Filofaxes into my wishlist, along with the metal holepunch. I added mostly pricey ones like Classic and Malden, but also Fusion and Metropol from the lower price range. I know that normal A5 Filos are HUGE and heavy, but I want them nonetheless. Fusion especially seems very nice, as does Malden. So many pockets and loops and...

*deep sigh* This was not supposed to be a planner post, but a meta post.

I mean really cute. (CureWiki)
So I've been reading My Life All in One Place, and his questionnaire posts with screenshots from other blogs made me more conscious about my own blog's looks. I've tried a lot of things over the years (as you can see from the archive, this blog is four and a half years old!), but nothing ever seemed right for me. I'll try to stick with one design for at least a few months from now on, though. This was also the second time I changed the name of this blog. In the beginning it was "The Lost Heroes" since I was really interested in Star Wars at the time and wanted to incorporate it everywhere. Over the time I changed it to "With the Wrong Hand" (minds out of the gutter please), reflecting the fact I was a leftie. The current name ("Shower of Light") comes from the song "Ganbalance de Dance" (Dance the Ganbalance), which is Futari wa Pretty Cure Splash★Star's second ending theme. The exact line is "Hikari no Shower o abite" ("You'll bathe in a shower of light", see the japanese trend for using english words in songs it's actually pronounced sha-waa, not shouwo (I can't phonetically type English, gdi)), which I think is really cute. The whole song is such a great up-beat song, and it's meant for dancing. The franchise has kept these dance endings for ten years (I haven't yet seen the new HaChaPre ending! I think it's name was Party Night, but don't quote me on that. I don't want to google it and spoil myself the visuals.) and it's a really great way to make the kids excited about the comign day. (Yes, PreCure is aimed 6-12 year old girls. I'm watching it pecause it's hella cute and awesome. And has the best songs.)

And really, (she's 14)
really, (dueling a bud guy with a sword made of magic ice)
really badass. (That stone is about the size of a city block.) (Thank you PreCure Screencaps @ Tumblr)
So because of PreCure I thought of pink for a moment, but it didn't seem to fit this bg. Probably I'll next change into rainbow-colored with cat paw print bg, or into an even more ... muted theme so that the content will pop out. Until then, this earthy green will do.
As you can see, I also made all the fonts rather... boring. I used to have TNR, but that was too boring and I really wanted a sans-serif font, so Verdana it was. (Titles are Trebuchet.)
(I'm making this post at night without ant plan of what I'm going to write, so my stuff usually ends up rambly like this.) That one probably didn't mean anything to you unless you need to tackel stuff like this yourself, like if you have a website or do graphical design.

(ie. my first con got just hella interesting...)

So anyway, I have yet to talk about the first thing I mentioned in the title: tags. Sinc eI'm now moving away from fandom talk on this blog, I'll probably remove all specific tags and only leave the general ones, eg. fandom, and possibly create another blanket tag for any future MG shenanigans. They will happen, trust me. Also there will be many fandom posts, especially if I get to print stuff for my future planner.... (more about that sometime, I promise!)
Now I gotta go to bed, but see you next time!
~ Amy

Aug 11, 2014

Blog revamp & new stuff in life

Tästä lähtien kaikki blogiotsikot on enkuksi, ja tekstit yleensä myös enkuksi. Sorry. (From now on posts will mostly be in English.)

I haven't blogged since Nov '13, bad me. Well, I won NaNo, lost April Camp, won July camp. That's about everything important on the writing front. Oh and there's Pretty Cure Safe Harbor!
On the life front: I started in college, dropped out, got half-diagnozed with depression, applied to University of Tampere AND GOT IN. On the first try, even. The entrance exam was pretty hard, and I had some 700 pages or so to read for it. (I applied to the infomation sciences and english programs, and the English is the one I was accepted into.)
Currently I'm waiting for an apartment so I could move to Tampere. I'm just hoping it'll happen sooner than later. Their new system has constant problems and currently it seems we can't edit our applications (= I can't add more locations to my appl.)

Oh yeah, and I graduated high school! It was so long ago (Dec 13) that I've already forgotten. Other than that, my life has been pretty uneventful. Well... I went partying a few times (college student life is active, you just gotta participate!) and was on a cruise in March. Then just last week I was in Cologne, Germany, with my family. It was fun, although I got terrible blisters and the tap water was horrible. At least I figured juice + carbonated water tastes a lot like Fanta or other fruit-flavored soda.

Speaking of Cologne, I need to make a post of all the stuff I bought. AND A PLANNER POST. And a few room posts. So my blog is moving away from fandom things and towards planning, organizing, studying and stuff like that. Probably also food.

So I've really got nothing to really talk about in this post, but I wanna show you some photos I've taken between Jan 13 and late Aug 13, which was when I purged my phone's pics to computer.

My room is right next to our front door and has a corner window. There's also a light over the door, which automatically goes on at night. So usually at around 3am at summer, when the Sun is rising but the light is still on, my window looks like this from the inside. It's such a pretty occurrence that I tend to take pics when I notice it. (Speaking of nights, it's supermoon again tonight!)

 Don't ask what I'm doing awake at that hour :'D Usually I've stayed up reading fanfics on my phone. I don't do it as often anymore, as I take melatonin to help me sleep so I'm out before 1am.

Summer 13 was a bit of a memory lane for me on some occasions. I didn't have anything to do, but I had stupid ideas, so I tried cycling for a few days. It didn't go too well in the end, but on the first day I cycled past the small grove of some sort I used to spend time in when I was younger, and decided to take a look around.
It was pretty much the same as I remembered, except it felt smaller than before. That was kinda expected, as I have grown a foot since then. (I was tiny in elementary years!) The grove has a fairytale feel to it despite being in the middle of a tightly built suburb's edge. One side has a sidewalk, and the other ends with people's backyards, so it's pretty much the shape of an american football ball. It's a rocky tiny hill, which is probably why it's still there: it would cost too much to move all the huge rocks away. The trees are mostly alders and birches, but I think there is a spruce or too in there, too.
In the upper pic there are really great rocks for sitting. It's hidden under those branches and is in the back of the grove, away from sight. So it's no surprise that the ground was littered with beer cans here. It's the perfect spot to indulge in some underage drinking without your parents noticing.
I don't know whether it would be braver to go there alone or with someone else for me. I'm terrified of nettles and this area had them in spades, so I can only go there in spring and early summer, when the plants are still fairly small. I'm afraid of really stupid things and get anxious too easily. It's something I should mention to my therapist / youth worker, but I don't keep a list of those things so I tend to forget it all the time. (I'm going to rant more about my issues in a later post. It's no use ranting about self-diagnosed problems before getting a professional opinion on them.)

Aditi in her Fire Nation -style clothes
Last November my NaNovel was "When Good Girls Go to War", which was a genderswapped version of Avatar: the Last Airbender with the old "fangirl ends up in story" plot. The fangirl in question was Amy Cherryclaw from RJO, who is my go-to char for any random projects. In PCSH, which is set in RJO universe, Amy is an alcoholic, PTSD suffering 37-year-old homemom with five kids and a former emperor for a husband. Sounds complicated when written like this, but she's not the center of that story. (Her youngest daughter and her friends are!)

So in GGW, a 19-year-old Amy finds herself in the Southern Air Temple at around the same time the Avatar's ice ball is broken. The genderswap was really limited, I only turned Zuko and Aang into girls and left everyone else as they were. I also made fem!Zuko a lesbian, and fem!Aang ace. (Amy is bi, if you wanted to know.)
Pretty much everyone was also age-lifted into middle to late teenage years, instead of being mostly tweens or early teens. Aditi and Toph are 15, and the oldest main character is Suki (or Amy, I'm not sure), who turns 19 before the end of the story. Jet is probably also 20 instead of 16, but the old guys can keep their vague ages. Katara and Sokka also swapped relations, and in GGW Katara is the older one (by three years!)

A wallaby at the Korkeasaari Zoo in Helsinki
GGW is also my h/c dump project as of right now. I used to have dozens of few-para h/c text files in Drive, but it's better when I can stick as many as possible into the same continuity. (I have an unfortunate habit of hurting Zuko/Zula in the most twisted ways.)

The problem is, I've only written less than a third of GGW! I only wrote the first three chaps of Book 1, some NTW and SotN business, something to go between books 1 and 2, and then jumped straight into the Western Air Temple time so I could write some more Zula h/c. I need to incorporate old Silver Lining into GGW but since the major chars know each other very early, the plot is going to change somewhat in the middle of Book 2.

 I think that was all for tonight. Cologne shopping, planner stuff and room cleaning posts to arrive before 15th. Uni will start on 18th, and I'll be bunking at a friend's until I get an apartment of my own.
