Nov 26, 2011

Kidnapped: tentacles, angst and laser whips

And drunken Obi-Wans
I was really looking forward to this episode. The Zugerria comic arc is my favorite so far, and Anakin dealing with his dark and troubled past is interesting. (+ we hadn't seen Anakin for three and half episodes and Ahsoka for like six)

And the episode delivered. The fourth season has so far been probably darker than all three previous seasons together. Mortis was nothing compared to Umbara! And this Zugerria arc can probably be compared to the Citadel. At least they both draw inspiration from the comics. But whereas "the Citadel" failed to live up to the expectations - expect for the part where Anakin was dragged to the ceiling because of his right hand, that was pure gold - "Kidnapped" works. This might be just my opinion, having missed the first part of the comic arc, but I think this episode did a good job retelling the story from the first two parts of the comic.

Compare his hair to the first picture :D
Animation in this episode was AWESOME. I was left totally @_@ watching the chase scene and Obi-Wan's fight. I think I said it when I did my Citadel review, but "No Flow in CGI" is finally gone from TCW. Anakin and Obi-Wan's hair is affected by the wind/movement quite realistically. Ashoka's headtails did this from the day one, so no special mention there.

Obi-Wan's fight with Darts D'Nar deserves a special mention also for other reasons. It is probably the first proper fisticuff fight in the series. And it's a Jedi versus non-Force user, no less! Obi-Wan must have been going easy on him, really. There's no way even a man like D'Nar could fight a Jedi.

Darts D'Nar is an interesting character overall. He hates all Jedis for the Jedi-Zygerrian war, and apparently follows Dooku only to get revenge from Jedis. (I mean, he skipped the fact that Ahsoka was a Togruta, and only saw her as a Jedi youngling) He also seems to like the wildlife of Kiros, judging from the fact he keeps a bird as a pet. And he caged the tentacle monster. THE TENTACLE MONSTER, PEOPLE. A tentacle monster. (If you don't find that funny, I'm being too anime-NSFW-humor person)

Back to my regular comments.
I find Obi-Wan extremely awesome in this scene. He's crushing the commando droids with the Force. I don't think anyone's done that before in TCW, not even Anakin, who would be perfect person to use this tactic.
And tophdamn those bombs! I felt like I was watching a videogame! The last one had extra droids and the two bombs had to be cut at the same time! That's like from any puzzle-type videogame.

And with this pic I get to my conflicted reaction to this episode. On one side, the episode was great: there's Jedi action, fighting, awesomeness, Anakin, Ahsoka, stuff we know elsewhere. And on the bad side we have oddly reacting characters.
Anakin just snapped when he heard the Seppie leader was a Zygerrian. And then he seemed to forget it when he and Ahsoka were looking for the bombs. And then he snapped again on the ship. He was kept slave by the Hutts, right? There's no need for him to hate all slave-keeping species. Besides, it's outright said in the episode that the Zygerrians hadn't kept slaves since the Jedi-Zygerrian war.
And how did Obi-Wan know Anakin wasn't born a slave? If Anakin didn't want to talk about his past, Obi-Wan should only know that he had been a slave before joining the Order, not any details.

She looks like she hasn't slept enough o.o
Ashoka deserves a mention. She has come a long way since the movie. Come on, she's fighting the person who imprisoned her people! And there's no fear on her face. Okay, she looked scared when she and Anakin fought the tentacle monster, but D'Nar has a frikkin light whip here! He even calls Ahsoka a youngling, but she just comments she's not that young anymore. It shows she can push aside things and consentrate on the mission - just like a Jedi should.

And then about the next episode, Slaves of the Republic. The preview was even worse than this episode. Anakin was too happy to be the Master and keep Ashoka as his "slave". And Ahsoka didn't like the idea of disguising herself as a slave. At least her clothes are much more classy this time.
Artoo's there too, so we can expect the episode to follow the plot of the comic arc pretty closely. Parts 3-5, if the preview pic is of any truth. (Anakin and the Zygerrian queen!) And from the preview gallery we can tell the building that blew up in the season trailer is this palace!

(Please forgive my obvious thoughts, but I live in Europe and don't have any access to most of the information about new episodes & such, so I might repeat stuff that has been said like million times)

Nov 18, 2011

Sotaisia tuulia TCWssa

The Clone Warsin neljäs kausihan on pyörinyt Yhdysvalloissa jo parisen kuukautta, ja aiheet on selvästi synkempiä kuin missään aiemmissa jaksoissa. Ja ei vain aiheet: kuvamateriaali on jo sellaista että TCW ei ole lastenohjelma. Noh, se tuleekin 7:30central... Joka muistaakseni on 9PM itärannikolla.

Asiaan: Jo trailereista näki että neljäs kausi olisi synkkä: orjakauppaa, Sithmäinen Anakin, jne. Mutta...
Mon Calamar -jaksoissa: salamurhan uhri selvästi puukotettuna, ei tosin verta; räjähtävä haipahis, jonka pää leijaili kameran ohi syvyyksiin. Anakinia sähkötettiin lisää ja Padmé yritettiin hukuttaa.
Varjosoturi(Shadow Warrior): Anakin... taistelee Dookua vastaan, häviää ja joutuu sähkötetyksi. Taas. Padmé tosin pelastaa tilanteen, joten vakavia vammoja ei synny. Harmi.

En katsonut Vaeltajadroidi(Nomad Droids)-jaksoja vielä, sillä inhoan C-3PO:ta. Sen sijaan, toissapäivänä avasin Mastertoonsin sivun ja katsoin Krell-saagan kolme tähän mennessä julkaistua jaksoa.
Yikes! By-the-books-jedi, jonka mielestä kloonit on... noh, klooneja. Yksi sinne tai tänne, niitä tulee lisää. Rexillä tietenkin on hyvin eriävä mielipide, ja niin olisi Anakinillakin, jos olisi paikalla. Musta tuntuu että nämä jaksot on vain Palpatinen salajuoni tapattaa kaikki Anakinin tutut. Tällä kertaa siis Rex joutuu tulilinjalle.

Jaksot käsittelevät vakavia asioita, jotka liittyvät sotaan. 501st, Anakinin/Rexin joukot, on tottunut improvisoimaan, joten kun Krell komentelee klooneja, nämä eivät ota uutisia mielillään vastaan. Porukan sisälle muodostuu erimielisyyksiä, jotka kulminoituvat saagan kolmannessa jaksossa, kun Fives ja kaksi muuta kloonia eivät tottele suoraa käskyä ja varastavat paikallisia tähtihävittäjiä auttaakseen avaruustaistelua. Heidän palatessaan planeetalle, Krell on lievästi käärmeissään ja päättää laittaa Fivesin petturitovereineen sotaoikeuden eteen.
Aika paksua lastenohjelmalta, eikö vain?

Eikä kaikki vielä siinä. Seuraava jakso on nimetty "Krellin verilöylyksi". Trailerissa Rex ja Krell keskustelevat Fivesista, ja Krell sanookin yhtäkkiä ettei sotaoikeudenkäyntiin ole aikaa, ja että Rexin pitäisi kerätä teloitusryhmä. Tästä tulee siis rumaa, ellei Obi-Wan tai Anakin ehdi väliin.

Siis, tämän illan jakso voi päättyä vain kahdella tapaa: Rex kuolee estäessään tuomion täytäntöönpanon, tai "petturit" kuolevat teloituksessa. Molempi pahempi.