Dec 18, 2011

Okay WTF is going on with my stories

I have that old fanfic named Crashlanding, and it's WIP. I've written about 1,5 chapters, and the first one is published on In July. Today I opened the file and checked what I had written as the second chapter.
To be quite honest, it's not pretty. It's my typical writing with way too many injuries, stupid dialogue and other oddities. When I wrote that, I still had a plot in my mind, but now I've dropped said plotline, I could probably finish this story... but seriously. Why did I even publish it in the first place?!

Dec 5, 2011

Sumthingg personall...

Heidiltä pöllin.
1. Kiitä tunnustuksen antajaa. - Eipä ole hetkeen tullut tehtyä tälläisiä :D
2. Anna tunnustus kahdeksalle bloggaajalle. - Heidillä oli jo ja muita ei oikeen oo ;-;
3. Ilmoita näille kahdeksalle tunnustuksesta - .-.
4. Kerro kahdeksan satunnaista asiaa itsestäsi:

Dec 4, 2011



Noin, nyt kun on spoilerit saatu alta pois, niin käydään asiaan: CLONE WARISN NELJÄS KAUSI ON PARAS IKINÄ. Kiitos.

Mon Calamar: meh
Droideja: äääpoispoispoispoispois

Obi-Wania ruoskitaan erittäin selvästi(kuulisitte sen ><), Anakin häröilee(*kröhöm*-härö), Ahsoka... ää enpäs sanokaan, menis rasistiseksi. Ja kaikki joutuu PUTKAAN. Anakin tosin jotuu sänkyyn. Älkää kysykö.

SotR: HSQ broke my brain

Due to some internet issues, I watched the newest TCW episode this late. And I have to say: it broke my brain. Seriously! Now I have nothing against copying the plot from the comics, but there were again minor issues that annoyed me ><

1. I don't think Obi-Wan and Anakin have the full Jedi garb underneath the Zygerrian armor. Most of the tunics, yes, but not the topmost flappy-things(I have no idea if they have proper name)
2. GETTING CRAP PAST THE RADAR!!!!! XD Just what did Anakin whisper to the Queen?
3. Obi-Wan... I have to say I like how he's the one getting hurt now. Though Ahsoka and Anakin also got their share in this episode(Anakin stunned like that, anyone?) but Obi-Wan still wins.
4. Ahsoka's slave costume <3 so pretty. And I think the blue fits her. But not her green lightsaber ><
5. Anakin is playing Luke. Lightsaber-shooting and hand signals + eye glances! *drool* I love nods to the movies.
6. Copy-paste'd plot. I liked it, because even when I knew what would happen("Ahsoka you f'cking idiot!") it was still a bit surprising. I also haven't read the comics in a while :D
7. Lars Quell. Lars Quell. Lars Quell. The. Best. Alias. Ever. I almost cheered when I heard Anakin say it.
8. Ahsoka in the cage XD Master of patience, it seems.

>< Now that I opened the comics, I might as well comment them, too XD

Part 3:
"No offense, but who'd buy Rex?"
"There are worse deals"
Oh boy did I crack when I saw this XD Ahsoka's outfit(before she turned into a stripper) is more revealing than the one she had in the episode, but somewhat also better.
Page 4. There's an ewok in a cage.
Anakin's cape... Page 7, ILU.
Why is there a loose tooth on page 11, panel 4?
Why does Ahsoka look like she has nothing under the loose garb when they're riding the beast? Seriously, her leg's the skin color, even though it's brobasbly supposed to be white. And in one panel she appears bare-foot.
>< the infamous slave-costume. Seriously, she's 14.
They didn't beat Obi-Wan onscreen in the comic!
Part 4:
Ahsoka's visible skeleton.
Anakin appeared darker in the episode than in the comic.
Part 5:
Does Rex have a tattoo?
Lol royalties appearing even more royal.
>< Acutally, why is everyone whining about Ahsoka's costume? It's a tube top, biking shorts and a bit more.
And no one ever draws Anakin's tunics right. (Seriously: pants, long tunic and a jacket. Not that hard.) still doesn't work so I can't check the next episode preview ><, I hate you.

Nov 26, 2011

Kidnapped: tentacles, angst and laser whips

And drunken Obi-Wans
I was really looking forward to this episode. The Zugerria comic arc is my favorite so far, and Anakin dealing with his dark and troubled past is interesting. (+ we hadn't seen Anakin for three and half episodes and Ahsoka for like six)

And the episode delivered. The fourth season has so far been probably darker than all three previous seasons together. Mortis was nothing compared to Umbara! And this Zugerria arc can probably be compared to the Citadel. At least they both draw inspiration from the comics. But whereas "the Citadel" failed to live up to the expectations - expect for the part where Anakin was dragged to the ceiling because of his right hand, that was pure gold - "Kidnapped" works. This might be just my opinion, having missed the first part of the comic arc, but I think this episode did a good job retelling the story from the first two parts of the comic.

Compare his hair to the first picture :D
Animation in this episode was AWESOME. I was left totally @_@ watching the chase scene and Obi-Wan's fight. I think I said it when I did my Citadel review, but "No Flow in CGI" is finally gone from TCW. Anakin and Obi-Wan's hair is affected by the wind/movement quite realistically. Ashoka's headtails did this from the day one, so no special mention there.

Obi-Wan's fight with Darts D'Nar deserves a special mention also for other reasons. It is probably the first proper fisticuff fight in the series. And it's a Jedi versus non-Force user, no less! Obi-Wan must have been going easy on him, really. There's no way even a man like D'Nar could fight a Jedi.

Darts D'Nar is an interesting character overall. He hates all Jedis for the Jedi-Zygerrian war, and apparently follows Dooku only to get revenge from Jedis. (I mean, he skipped the fact that Ahsoka was a Togruta, and only saw her as a Jedi youngling) He also seems to like the wildlife of Kiros, judging from the fact he keeps a bird as a pet. And he caged the tentacle monster. THE TENTACLE MONSTER, PEOPLE. A tentacle monster. (If you don't find that funny, I'm being too anime-NSFW-humor person)

Back to my regular comments.
I find Obi-Wan extremely awesome in this scene. He's crushing the commando droids with the Force. I don't think anyone's done that before in TCW, not even Anakin, who would be perfect person to use this tactic.
And tophdamn those bombs! I felt like I was watching a videogame! The last one had extra droids and the two bombs had to be cut at the same time! That's like from any puzzle-type videogame.

And with this pic I get to my conflicted reaction to this episode. On one side, the episode was great: there's Jedi action, fighting, awesomeness, Anakin, Ahsoka, stuff we know elsewhere. And on the bad side we have oddly reacting characters.
Anakin just snapped when he heard the Seppie leader was a Zygerrian. And then he seemed to forget it when he and Ahsoka were looking for the bombs. And then he snapped again on the ship. He was kept slave by the Hutts, right? There's no need for him to hate all slave-keeping species. Besides, it's outright said in the episode that the Zygerrians hadn't kept slaves since the Jedi-Zygerrian war.
And how did Obi-Wan know Anakin wasn't born a slave? If Anakin didn't want to talk about his past, Obi-Wan should only know that he had been a slave before joining the Order, not any details.

She looks like she hasn't slept enough o.o
Ashoka deserves a mention. She has come a long way since the movie. Come on, she's fighting the person who imprisoned her people! And there's no fear on her face. Okay, she looked scared when she and Anakin fought the tentacle monster, but D'Nar has a frikkin light whip here! He even calls Ahsoka a youngling, but she just comments she's not that young anymore. It shows she can push aside things and consentrate on the mission - just like a Jedi should.

And then about the next episode, Slaves of the Republic. The preview was even worse than this episode. Anakin was too happy to be the Master and keep Ashoka as his "slave". And Ahsoka didn't like the idea of disguising herself as a slave. At least her clothes are much more classy this time.
Artoo's there too, so we can expect the episode to follow the plot of the comic arc pretty closely. Parts 3-5, if the preview pic is of any truth. (Anakin and the Zygerrian queen!) And from the preview gallery we can tell the building that blew up in the season trailer is this palace!

(Please forgive my obvious thoughts, but I live in Europe and don't have any access to most of the information about new episodes & such, so I might repeat stuff that has been said like million times)

Nov 18, 2011

Sotaisia tuulia TCWssa

The Clone Warsin neljäs kausihan on pyörinyt Yhdysvalloissa jo parisen kuukautta, ja aiheet on selvästi synkempiä kuin missään aiemmissa jaksoissa. Ja ei vain aiheet: kuvamateriaali on jo sellaista että TCW ei ole lastenohjelma. Noh, se tuleekin 7:30central... Joka muistaakseni on 9PM itärannikolla.

Asiaan: Jo trailereista näki että neljäs kausi olisi synkkä: orjakauppaa, Sithmäinen Anakin, jne. Mutta...
Mon Calamar -jaksoissa: salamurhan uhri selvästi puukotettuna, ei tosin verta; räjähtävä haipahis, jonka pää leijaili kameran ohi syvyyksiin. Anakinia sähkötettiin lisää ja Padmé yritettiin hukuttaa.
Varjosoturi(Shadow Warrior): Anakin... taistelee Dookua vastaan, häviää ja joutuu sähkötetyksi. Taas. Padmé tosin pelastaa tilanteen, joten vakavia vammoja ei synny. Harmi.

En katsonut Vaeltajadroidi(Nomad Droids)-jaksoja vielä, sillä inhoan C-3PO:ta. Sen sijaan, toissapäivänä avasin Mastertoonsin sivun ja katsoin Krell-saagan kolme tähän mennessä julkaistua jaksoa.
Yikes! By-the-books-jedi, jonka mielestä kloonit on... noh, klooneja. Yksi sinne tai tänne, niitä tulee lisää. Rexillä tietenkin on hyvin eriävä mielipide, ja niin olisi Anakinillakin, jos olisi paikalla. Musta tuntuu että nämä jaksot on vain Palpatinen salajuoni tapattaa kaikki Anakinin tutut. Tällä kertaa siis Rex joutuu tulilinjalle.

Jaksot käsittelevät vakavia asioita, jotka liittyvät sotaan. 501st, Anakinin/Rexin joukot, on tottunut improvisoimaan, joten kun Krell komentelee klooneja, nämä eivät ota uutisia mielillään vastaan. Porukan sisälle muodostuu erimielisyyksiä, jotka kulminoituvat saagan kolmannessa jaksossa, kun Fives ja kaksi muuta kloonia eivät tottele suoraa käskyä ja varastavat paikallisia tähtihävittäjiä auttaakseen avaruustaistelua. Heidän palatessaan planeetalle, Krell on lievästi käärmeissään ja päättää laittaa Fivesin petturitovereineen sotaoikeuden eteen.
Aika paksua lastenohjelmalta, eikö vain?

Eikä kaikki vielä siinä. Seuraava jakso on nimetty "Krellin verilöylyksi". Trailerissa Rex ja Krell keskustelevat Fivesista, ja Krell sanookin yhtäkkiä ettei sotaoikeudenkäyntiin ole aikaa, ja että Rexin pitäisi kerätä teloitusryhmä. Tästä tulee siis rumaa, ellei Obi-Wan tai Anakin ehdi väliin.

Siis, tämän illan jakso voi päättyä vain kahdella tapaa: Rex kuolee estäessään tuomion täytäntöönpanon, tai "petturit" kuolevat teloituksessa. Molempi pahempi.

Oct 15, 2011

"Hey, it's that voice!" in full effect

Uhh, yeah. Long time no post, and I'm going to ranble about AtLA. Yeah, I'm obsessed. I'm writing/planning THREE fics, and I have two TCW fics I should be writing.

... Whoops? And in the meantime, have I mentioned that Zuko has becomed my new pincushion?

And time to make some confessions. I'm rarely affected by fanworks, even less by canon material. Despite this, there are a few fanfics that have made my guts twist. Not unpleasantly, just... oddly. I never got the feeling from my own works, and not from canon stuff. So, enter AtLA episode 'Earth King'... Yeah, my guts had something to say about feverish Zuko. Hell, I'm getting that feeling only by looking at the screencaps! And right now I'm almost getting it only from thinking of the scenes!

And talking about 'Earth King', I only liked the B-plot. A-plot was too awkward for me, it was straight in that 'kiddyshow' category. But Zuko's nightmares? Hellyeah.

Btw. I ship Zukka.

Oct 6, 2011

Ei oo normikamaa

...Noi Anakinin midi-chlorianluvut.


Tuli katottua spooffeja tekstityksillä ja enkuks oli: "his numbers were off the scale" tai jotain, ja suomeks oli LOISTAVASTI "pojan luvut ei ollu normikamaa" tmv. SIIS EI HELE ET OLIKO NIILLÄ LOISTAVA KÄÄNTÄJÄ!!! Ja siis kun kyse oli musiikkivideosta, joita harvoin lähdetään kääntelemän kielestä toiseen.

Sep 24, 2011

Katara on Mimi?

Jeep, katoin eilen Avatar: The Last Airbenderin ykköskauden dubattuna Suomeks. Enkuks katoin jo aikoja sitten. Jaa... Se oli vähintäänkin mielenkiintoista katsottavaa. Suomessa on ilmiselvästi liian pienet ääninäyttelijäpiirit, sillä mä tunnistin monta ääntä musita lastenohjelmista(joo, nyt paljastuu mitä mä oon kattonu ala-asteella... ja sen jälkeen :'D)

Kataran ääninäyttelijä on tehny kans Kyon äänen Digimonissa. Luulin kyllä että olis ollu Mimi. Niillä on ihan liikaa samoja linejä niin menen sekaisin D: Ekalta kuulemalta ajattelin että olis ollu Toa Gali Bionicle: Valon Naamio -leffasta, mutta ei.
Sokka on... Digimonkeisari? Oikeasti, melkein nauroin. Odotin enemmän että Zuko olis saanu tän äänen :D (Muuten, myöskin Leonardon ääni Turtlesista :D Ja myöskin Takua ekasta Bionicle-leffasta.)
Zuko on... TAKERU?! W...T...F! Mä rupesin miettimään tätä tossa eilen illalla ja Wikipediasta tarkistin. Tän ja Sokan äänet ois hyvin voinu laittaa toisin päin.

Ja ei ihmekään että Irohin ääni kuulosti tutulta. Se on ollu DNA:n mainosääni XD
Ja perussivuääni(mm. Omashun vartijat) on myös Digimonissa, mm. Digitamamon, Stingmon ja Apocalymon.
Hakoda on Raphael... Just.

Tophista tulee kun tulee. Sen äänellä ei oo Wikipediasivua D:

Tosin eipä tässä pitäis olla mitään uutta. Nelosella julkastu ja Suomessa ei taida olla paljon dubbausfirmoja niin sitten tulee tätä Hey, it's that voice! -juttua koko ajan.

Edit: hoksasin kuka Toph on. Se on yks toinen Mimi, nimittäin DuelMastersista. (Jep, eikö mulla ookin ihmeellinen kokoelma näitä katottuja sarjoja XD)

Sep 19, 2011

I'm gonna go rot in hell

I got The Last Airbender from library. Also, I reserved(is that the right word?) all the seasons - dubbed to Finnish, of course. I have them in English on my computer.

And why did I got so suddenly interested in A:tLA? I don't know either :D I was mildly interested when I started digging in TVTropes, but here the SW-effect stuck - in reverse. You see, I almost decided not to see Angels&Demons in theatre when I heard Ewan McGregor was in it. I went anyways, after reading there would be burning involved with his character. And I read that from a serious magazine, not entertainment one. (Finland is a weird country :'D)
Anyways, when I found out Mark Hamill was voicing someone in AtLA, I was first: meh. But then, when I found out his character could shoot lighing from his hands, I was already ROLFing and desided to check the whole series XD And it was totally not a bad decicion after all. Okay, I read all the memes and Getting Crap Past the Radar-things beforehand, so I was laughing at The Drill.

I have a bad feeling that they'll have someone really young-sounding voicing Zuko in Finnish dub, because that would SO ruin my fangirling D: The dubs mostly are good/high quality, but there are some fails now and then. *coughdigimoncough* But that's then for the company to blame. The voice actors are good.

And by the way... THERE IS NO TRANSLATION FOR 'BENDING'! Damn. I have no idea what the original cover of TLA said, but the Finnish wording translates to 'have skills'... yeeah, I guessed that. -.- Sometimes Finnish works so perfectly, and other times... it does NOT. Gosh.

Though, I want so bad to hear how they did the dubbing. So I'll torture my brother this weekend. (Mind you, I'm 17 and he's 15, and he does not appreciate me watching childer's shows :D)

I'M FINALLY 17!!!!!! It feels so good to be able to say "I'm 17" and not "I'm almost 17" and not lie.

D: My Rex poster is jumping off the walls. Gotta go re-tape it so it stays.

Sep 10, 2011

Keisarit & lauserakenteet

Hömm, tuli taas hieman selailtua Juha Terhon sivuja. Niiden lukiohokemat on vertaansa vailla.

Törmäsin sivuun kutosella tai seiskalla, melko pian sen jälkeen kun hurahdin Star Warsiin. Hain Googlella suomalaisia SW-sivuja, ja törmäsin JTn keräämiin käännöskukkasiin. ("Ehkä se on pora" jne.) Alkuun en kiinnostunut sivujen muusta sisällöstä, mutta yläasteen aikana, ehkä seiskalla tai kasilla, luin läpi kaiken, varsinkin lukiojutut.

Silloisilla aivoilla ajattelin että osa jutuista oli ihan hauskoja, ja ajattelin että jos keräisin niitä itsekin talteen. Hommahan kusi ja pahasti. Ei yläasteella 2000-luvulla saa tuollaista materiaalia kokoon. Kokoelmassa oli muun muassa "legendaarinen" Se on Afrikka!-vitsi seiskalta, kun väiteltiin mantsanopen kanssa siitä, oliko yksi kuva kirjassa peilattu kuva Afrikan sarvesta. Että sillä lailla.

Partion erätaitokurssilla mukaan tuli Frisbeelätty ja Vauvakala, asiat jotka eivät aukea edes paikallaolleille.

Penaalisota jne. oli ihan meidän luokan omia juttuja(lähinnä mun päästäni btw.)

Vielä ysillä ja nyt lukiossakin vähän keräilen lähinnä opettajien "hassuja" sanomisia. Kui-tyypin risuaidat on ehkä parhaimmasta päästä, olkoonkin MAA1-kurssilta. Tai kun se leikki ala-asteenopettajaa tässä MAA5-kurssilla yks päivä.

Mulla on ylhäällä noita hyviä juttuja, jos vaan muistaisin missä. Jos joku muistaa, käytin ysillä kaikkiin aineisiin samaa vihkoa, ja sen kannet + pari sivua on "täynnä" enemmän tai vähemmän hassuja juttuja. Joukossa muun muassa: "Suo(ma)lainen historia", kulma BAC(H), jne. Eli taso oli aika perseestä.

Nyt mä oikeastaan toivoisin että olisin mukana jossain porukassa missä inside-läppä kukoistais. Itse käytän vitsejä jotka eivät aukea aina itsellenikään(oikeasti, suurin osa jutuista on itse keksimiäni).

Tosin, oliko se perjantain paketoitu mopoauto edes huvittava? itse otin siitä kuvan, ja muokasinkin sen, mutta en julkaise kun siitä tunnistaa kaikki ysivitoset ihan helposti.
Kuvista puheenollen: ketä kiinnostaa mustavalkoinen kuva juissipurkista koulun portaikossa?

P.S. Otsikko tulee äikänopettajan kommenteista yhteen tekstitaitotehtävään. Aivan, kirjoitin niitäkin ylös.
Äikästä puheenollen, odotin siitä Ludvig Borga-tehtävästä ehkä kahta pistettä, sain neljä. Olin hieman yllättynyt. Tekstiä oli alle sivun verran :D
P.P.S. Niille kenelle äskeinen pisteluku ei auennut: maksimipistemäärä oli 6(kuten ylioppilaskokeissa), ja opetteja ei antanut täysiä psiteitä kenellekään.

Sep 5, 2011

I'm seriously squeeing right now

I just got home few minutes ago, and my brother said I should see the new Gigantti ad. I have no idea what he was watching when he came upon that ad, but it doesn't matter.
What matters is that it's practically a Star Wars ad! Threepio and Artoo are walking down the corridors, and checking everything. Dialogue taken form Tantive IV scenes in ANH. Well, that's nothing new. I've seen "Vader" advertising cars. (Kid dresses as Vader).
This ad was special. I knew/remembered that the Blu-Ray box set would be released this fall, and I was interested if they would advertise that too in the ad. THEY DID!!!! Cue lots of squeeing from me and my brother telling me to stop overreacting.

The joke here is that I didn't remember the international release would be before NA release, thus I thought would not be able to get said box before, say, Christmas. When I saw the date was Sep. 12th, I went crazy. Come on, look at this list:
Sep. 12th: Blu-Ray box
Sep. 13th: next TCW magazine
Sep. 16th: TCW S4 starts (and I died yesterday when I read what'll happen in that episode)
Sep. 19th: I turn 17
Sep. 23rd: 4.03 of TCW
Sep. 24th: my birthday party
Okay, last two/three were partly irrelevant, but now the whole September is full of Star Wars for me!

But there're couple of downsides in this, too:
I was hoping to get a new phone for b-day present from my dad.
I also was hoping he could buy the Blu-Ray box for me.
I am getting money, but that may not be enough, as I'm going to buy WeSing Encore for Wii. Well... My pocketmoney should fill that gap. Mom still hasn't paid me PM of August.
So, it seems I hape to pay both the Blu-Ray box and the Wii game myself, then. The box is 79 euros, and the game is 69,95. 148, 95... Meh, not that bad. I'll get enough money.

Sep 1, 2011

Waitwaitwait... ONKS NYT SYYSKUU?!

D: Mihin nää viikot livistää... Just alko koulu.

OAN: TCWS4 alkaa kahden viikon ja yhden/kahden päivän päästä. Mun synttäreihin on kaks viikkoa 4 päivää, ite juhliin kolme viikkoa kaks päivää.

Aloin taas kirjottaa uutta ficciä, pitäis nopee kirjat se koneella vihosta ja upata FF:nettiin, kun CL ja JC lagaa tällä hetkellä mediumisti.

Eilen lukasin PH:n loppuun, ja oli kyllä hyviä sutkausia kaikila kissoilla aina välillä :D Tassupolku siis päivitty vaihteeksi.

Ja sen lisäks tänää oli tekstitaitotehtävä(AI4)... En osannu ollenkaan. En sitten yhtään. En lukenu, mutta enpä olis muutenkaan osannu, kun en asiaa ymmärrä. Mä osaan lukea tekstiä sen vaikutuskeinojen ohi, mutta en eritellä niitä keinoja. Oliskohan tääkin joku lukihäiriön tyyppi? Toisaalta, fiktion tulkitseminen käy ihan helposti(AI3).

Jotenki tekee mieli tehdä tähän vähän valokuvablogimaisempi. Ongelma on siinä, etten oo mikään kovin hyvä kuvaaja. Mulla on ihan ookoo pokkarikamera ja osaan käyttää sen asetuksia jotenkuten, mutta en ikinä tykkää niistä kuvista mitä otan ja kuvankäsittelyä en hallitse alkuunkaan.

Awesome fandom moments

You know that awesome feeling when you realize you've got a fandom friend you didn't know about?

Yeah, happened to me today. During lunchtime.

My friend(let's call her Suzie) came late, and had her phone on the tray(half of the girls in our school do that) so I remembered I was supposed to sens a text message to my other friend. I explained to Suzie that my ohone had been offline for 1½ weeks, because I lost the charger. I sent the message and put my phone on the table, explaining that I also changed the theme. It featured a picture of Ahsoka, and my friend said: "Hey, I know that character!" I took a moment for it to sink, but then I said: "You watch TCW?" She said she didn't, but her brothers did and she sometimes ended up watching it with them. Cue me explaining my obsession to her the rest of the lunchtime.
I mean, how often do things like this happen? You randomly explain something to your friend, and she gets it all because she knows what you're talking about. Also happened yesterday on Civics class(with some random girl from our class): we were doing papers of various parties, and we suddenly started talking about fanfics. She understood what I was talking about, even when I used English terms I had learned from Just how awesome is that?

And talking about fanfics, I'm writing a H/C one-shot based on Hamster-Hero's similar one. She's removed it, sadly. (Though, there's no one to accuse me of plagiarism now XD) Anyways, I hope I can write through today, and maybe upload to I rarely write oneshots, so I hope this'll be good.

Aug 17, 2011

They blew up Serenno

The new season 4 trailer. Is. Made. Of. AWESOME!!!!

The Jedis have to deal with slaves... And I judge that the slaves in question are Togrutas. 1st comic arc much? As animated? Well, I have to say I'm interested.

And they blew something up like in the movie. The buildings made me think it was Serenno... So if we count in the fact that Ventress is now against Seppies/Dooku, will we see Anakin and Ventress fighting together?

Aaand... Seems that Cad Bane escaped. I want to know what he does this time.

Angry, angry Anakin

Neloskaudesta on taas uus traileri. Nyt näyttää siltä että ne melkeen animoi yhden sarjakuvasaagan.
"Anakin has struggled to put his past behind him."
"I'll keep an eye on him."
"Yes. Make sure you do."

Näin vidin eka ilman ääniä, ja siks sain vaan ton 'vihanen Anakin' vaikutelman, mut nyt kun sain äänet toimimaan, niin tekee paljon enemmän selkoa, ja täytyy sanoa että muuttu homma entistä upeemmaks.

Parit yksityiskohdat:
- Shili! (Ahsokan kotiplaneetta, liittyy tohon sarjakuvahommaan, en kerro enempää)
- ne sukelluspuvut käsittelin jo, mutta hehkutan niitä edelleen.
- Cad Bane!
- baaritappelu!
- Ithorialainen!

+ Imperiumin marssi jo TRAILERISSA, Anakin eka hymyilee ja sit mätkii jostakusta ilmat pihalle, jne.

Opettajien ei tarvitsisi tehdä SW-viittauksia joka välissä

Englannin tunnit alko tänää ja oli sellane käännöstehtävä missä piti asiayhteyden ja sanakirjan avulla kääntää paljon sanoja. Tarkistettaessa niitä opettaja sitten sanoi että me varmaan tiedetään sana 'rebels' Tähtien Sodasta.Ensinnäkin, se on Star Wars. Toiseksi, toi sana on sitä kategoriaa jonka voi tietää mista tahansa leffasta. Ja mulla oli taas vaikeuksia pitää pokka kun ope sano tosta.

En tiedä että pahentaako vai helpottaako se, että ope viittas Kapinallisiin myös koko termillä 'rebel force'. Tosin, sanassa 'force' on taas ne omat juttunsa... Jotka oli huvittavia eilisen matikantunnilla. Sillon ope sano 'tässä mulla on F voima nyrkissäni ja sillä työnnän tätä tuolia'
Höristin kyllä korviani, mutta en nauranut kun ei ollut suoraan viittaus SWiin.

Aug 16, 2011

On nälkä

Koulu alko eilen, mutta vasta tänään alkoi itse tunnit. Äikkää ja matikkaa, <3 (#notlying)
Huomenna onkin istten PAAALJON kivempi päivä. Enkkua ja ATKta, siinä välissä... jotain. Näyttäis olevan lisää matikkaa ja yhteiskuntaoppia. Noh, hyvä että saadaan sekin aine rullaamaan.
Matikassa käsitellään vektoreita, äikässä tekstien vaikutusta jne. Teki mieli huudahtaa siellä tunnilla "mä tulkitsin allegorian keväällä!" Kyseessähän oli TCWn Mortis-jaksot mutta mitä sitten... (#typingwrong) (Ja ne oli allegoria, en keksiny sitä ite, pöllin toisesta blogista.) Voiskin muuten tulkita sitä vielä vähän lisää... Vois tulla hauskaa.

Ja ei nää koulupäivät mitään täyttä mannaa ole. Tällä viikolla on vaan kahdesti hyvää ruokaa, ja silloinkin näyttää olevan vain kelvollista. Muina päivinä on sitä ällökategoriaa.(Kuka keksi laittaa cheddaria kalaan? #yök) Eli olen nälissäni.

Hyppäreitä on liikaa, nytkin pääsin yhdeltä. Huomenna on puoli kolmeen, eli ei mitenkään kovin pahasti. Kirjastoa tulee käytettyä ahkerasti, kun ei muuta tekemistä ole.

Perjantaina on Nippori, ja kuten arvata saattaa, mä menen sinne. Viime vuonna missasin sen jostain syystä, ja tänä vuonna ei aio skipata. (Ilmainen animetapahtuma siis, jos joku miettii.) Äiti tosin sanoi että oltais menossa sinä päivänä muualle sukuloimaan, mutta kun selitin että on animetapahtuma niin se sano et voidaan lähteä sen jälkeenkin. Huokasin helpotuksesta. Desuun tai Bakaan tai mihinkään vastaviin en pääse kun oon muka liian pieni kulkemaan yksin jne. ja mulla harvoin on rahaa. (Oon melkeen 17 jos joku miettii mun ikää.) Joten toi on lähinnä mun ainoo mahis päästä mihinkään 'coniin'. (Jos siis Nipporin voi laskea coniks.)

Ulkona muuten sataa ja kunnolla. Oon pyörällä liikkeellä ja ei tullu hupparia mukaan, joten oon kirjastossa ja oottelen että sade loppuu. En kyllä lähtis pyöräilemään tonne vaikka se huppari oliskin mukana.
Haluun muuten että satais yhtä paljon kuin 2007, että tulis uus tulva. (Jos luet Tiede-lehteä, niin tiedät mistä tulvasta puhun. Ja porilaiset.) En edes tiedä miks tykkään sateesta niin paljon. Oikeastihan en tykkää vedestä ollenkaan.

Tän kirjaston kahvila on muuten nykyään luomukahvila. Se jauhelihapiirakka oli aika hyvää.

Aug 4, 2011

Esseistä ja kirjoista

Tiedetään, tiedetään, tapoin tän blogin - TAAS. Mä vaan en pysty kirjottamaan jatkuvasti, okei? Njööh, oli kyllä oma vika, tiedetään, mutta en keksiny mistä kirjottaa.
Mun kylläkin piti tehdä "selviytymisopas lukioon" mutta ei siinä oikeastana ole mitän kirjoittamista. Kansio + irtopaperit on paras tapa tehä musitiinpanot, kalenteria tarvitsee, läksyjä tulee harvoin jos ollenkaan. ainoa ero taitaa olla kokeissa, sillä enää ei merkitse se, mitä kirjoittaa, vaan se, minkä jättää POIS! En saanu täysin oikein lasketusta tehtävästä täysiä pisteitä kemian kokeessa kun en ollut merkinnyt yksiköitä kaikkiin välivaiheisiin.
Toisaalta, paljon kirjoittamalla saa hyvät pisteet. Sain uskonnon ekan kurssin esseestä täydet pisteet, ja sen pituus oli 2,5 sivua. A4-paperi, joka riville. Käsin.
Esseissä annetaan muutama vaihtoehto mistä valita, ja siinä uskonnonkokeessa sattui olemaan vaihtoehtona kuolemanjälkeinen elämä. Nooh, satuin muistamaan aika paljon. Kirjoitin jonkun puolitoista sivua ja tuntui vähän siltä ettei sillä vielä irtoa täysiä pisteitä. Olin kuitenkin käyttänyt kaiken mitä kirjasta muistin. Joten, mitä mä tein?

Ne ketkä tuntee mut IRL tietääne tän jo, mutta kirjotin loput fiktiivisistä uskonnoista XD Kirjotin Voimasta ja Tähtiklaanista, eli Star Warsista ja Soturikissoista. Pitäiskin joskus kirjoittaa se koneelle ja upata FictionPress.comiin, että saisitte itekin nähdä mitä kirjoitin.
Pointti kuitenkin oli, että fanituksenkohteillani pidensin esseetä ainakin sivun verran, ja olin jo käsitellyt kattavasti oikeita uskontoja. Opettaja oli kalkkis(tosin parempi kuin ne kaks muuta), joten olin aika yllättynyt että sain täydet pisteet, varsinkin kun aikaseimmin olin saanut vain 3-4 pistettä, juuri siksi kun en saanut tarpeeksi asiaa tekstiin.

Soturikissoista muuten sen verran, että Pimeyden hetki on ilmestynyt. Mä saan sen ens viikolla, viimeistään perjantaina, kun tilasin sen Adlibriksestä. Samalla tilasin The Power of Threen boksisetin, eli PHn luettua voin jatkaa sitten niitä. Kävin tänään Suomalaiseesa Kirjakaupassa, ja siellä ei ollut T_T Ei ollu edes Vaarallista polkua, edellistä osaa. Osat 1-4 kyllä oli, kolmosta eniten. Ja se kirja ilmesty kustantamon mukaan eilen. Kävivät jopa ilmottamassa siitä Tassupolun vieraskirjassa owo Mä kirjaimellisesti pompin ympäri taloa sen sähköpostin jälkeen =3

Jul 27, 2011

Fanfic in need of beta + other stuff

So, anyone familiar with my newest fanfic yet? I uploaded it to last Saturday, and so far I've gotten 6 reviews, 4 alerts and one fave on it. That's the best record I've done so far with any of my fanfics. All the reviews praised my fanfic. No, I'm not lying, they really did. Okay, one said I made awfully lot of grammar mistakes, but I know that I do. My first language is not English, and even though my writing program does proofreading, and I proofread my own texts, I have very much problems with prepositions and such. Finnish, my native language, uses suffixes when inflecting words, so of course I have troubles writing English.
I've been learning English for eight years, and I do exellently in the tests. Despite my A+ grades, I know I'm not perfect. We learn the written form; in real life, people talk with dialects, shorten words, use text talk and abbreviations. I'm not familiar with lots of idioms, so it makes me hard to express stuff. I do understand them, though.

This said, it's clear that I'd do better with a beta reader. Unfortunately, I'm way too shy to talk to people to get one. I know, a blog isn't the best place to say it, because I only have two readers and one of them is a Finn.

(And that definitely was not my original subject for this post...)

So, may I move to my purposed subject now? I was going to tell you that I've changed my plans a bit from what I originally designed Crashlanding to be. It was supposed to be a normal Hurt/Comfort story, but it may in fact turn into a really genius fic to get my OC Amy Whitespot into the Jedi Order. I'm not telling you more about that, but I must tell you that I was inspired by Agatha Christie's Death on the Nile. My mom was watching it when I was starting chapter two, and I'm not really sure how soon I'll get to write that part. I might also change the current chapter one to be part one of the first chapter, the second chapter being part two of first, and making third published chapter the official chapter two. Like this: 'Chapter one, part I: Steel, fuel and blood', 'Chapter one, part II' and 'Chapter two'.

Jul 15, 2011

Sleeping Anakin is cute, no matter the situation

LOL I keep seeing really weird dreams. Apparently I thought too much of TCW before going to bed. On the other hand, it's been a while since I saw Anakin in my dreams, so this was (excuse my pun) a dream come true.

I had no idea where I was in that dream, but it looked like hotel of something. Could have been inspired by AGC II: Chaos in the CityCloset, where all the characters live in a huge cube-shaped building. Anyway, I've got no idea what the dream was about, but I saw Anakin there somewhere at some point. And I had an interesting book I was reading. It basically listed few reasons why few jedis would get sick/ill/whatever. Well, I thought the book was about that, but I have no idea what Obi-Wan and Mace were doing in that book. Although, it's not that uncommon for books to change subject while reading when in dreamland. And I think I can remember what Anakin's page said... Yeah, if I remeber correctly, it said that he would get down with stress. At that point, I was like: "-_- you're not even trying" to that book, as my imagination would come up with anything. Yes, I though of that inside the dream!

Also, I'm quite sure I saw Anakin sleeping in that dream. :3 He looked cute. And he was sleeping shirtless ^^
Okay, that wasn't the point of that part :'D I got a bit stuck thinking how to say this. But anyway, Anakin's prosthetic arm was way off from what it's in ep. III. It was only from shoulder to elbow, rest of his arm was normal. And it was his left arm. Even in the dream I noticed that first part, but that second part hit me only now as I'm writing this. And now that I think, his arm looked more like Ed's automail from FMA than what his arm really is like in SW.

Yeah, I have weird dreams, don't I?

P.S. There was more about this dream, but I chose not to write it to keep this post even somewhat readable. When I start explaining stuff really deep, it usually contains few inside jokes you wouldn't get.
P.P.S. Now I want to draw Anakin in pink princess dress. >D

Jul 14, 2011

Browser choices

I have quite large Warriors-websites, and I really want them to work on every common browser. I have Mozilla Firefox 5.0 as my default browser, with Internet Explorer 9 and Google Chrome 12 as secondary browsers to update my other dA accounts. No need for signing in and out, when every accout uses different browser :'D
I also downloaded Rockmelt, because I wanted to see what it was XD. And with the latest iTunes update I got Safari 5, and just recently I downloaded Opera 11. Last two came really handy when testing the new layout I'm planning for my websites, because they didn't understand a part of my coding IE and FF could understand, so there was a big mistake that only showed up in smaller browsers. I soon realized what it was and got it fixed, though.

So, are there any other common browsers? Older versions don't count, as I can't check my sites on IE7/8 or FF3.6, for example, because newer version usually overrides the older.

Jul 10, 2011

The new US copyright law?

Just what is going on? I log on to dA and I see people screaming 'OMG WE CAN'T BE FANS ANYMORE!!!!!!!111' What? I chack some petitions and see it's about a new law that will ban streaming copyrighted material. Mainly that means music, videogames, TV series and movies. Sure, YouTube would lose a lot material due to that law, but does it even have a change at getting through?

I don't live in US, but I believe that this law would affect me. It would ban music videos on YouTube, for example. I've found a lot of great songs and remixes on YT, and that's definitely a good thing.

But now I get to the real point of this post. Are people on dA overreacting? They claim this law would also ban fanart and fiction, but does it really? They aren't actually stremaing the content, but rather derivate works of it. Well, my English sucks, so 'derivate' may not be the right word for this situation. What I mean was that fanart and fiction lean on copyrighted material for source. That's not illegal, is it? Just how much would this law change dA or other websites with works relying on copyrighted material that had their servers on US ground?

Jul 2, 2011

ep. 3.18-20 - Linnaketrilogia

Echo! Fives! We've missed ya, bruthas!
Betaversio siinä mielessä, että teen kyllä vielä pidemmän, jahka jaksan ottaa lisää kuvia. Saas sitten nähdä mitä tästä tulee.
(Ja kyllä, tuo on valtava hologrammi Rexistä :'D)
Muutamia juttuja jotka toistuu useempaan kertaan:
- Nerot käännökset. "Somiste" XD
- Ahsokan ilmeet. Sen takia sanon että animaattoreilla on joko liian hauskaa tai liikaa aikaa.
- Musiikilliset vihjeet. Imperial March vikassa jaksossa anyone?
- Anakinin ja Tarkinin keskustelut. Tuskin edes tarvii jääkaappilogiikkaa että tajuaa missä "vitsi" piilee.

Selvä, sitten asiaan. Rexin kuva meni tohon ekaks sen takia ettei nää ite selostukselliset kuvat tulis ekaks, ja muutenkin, sininen hologrammi sopii siniseen blogiin.
Normaalit varoitukset voimassa: hulluja vitsejä, TVTropesia, viittauksia elokuviin ja aikasempiin jaksoihin jne.

Some quotes from my TCW S4 fanfic

I said in my last post that I'm writing one. And I like that fic very, very much. And now I'd like some feedback on it. I'm on sixth page, and first chapter isn't completed. Yeah, I like writing long stuff. Anyway, here are some of the best part so far:
“Is this the place?” Padmé asked, scaring Ahsoka slightly with her appearance.
“This is where Rex was shooting droids. Skyguy got hit probably... there!” Ahsoka pointed to the north-east after recognizing some of the trees that appeared also on Rex's recording.
“How far?” Padmé asked anxiously.
“Not far, around 50-100 meters. This vid wouldn't be as sharp if zoomed more.” Ahsoka said and looked ahead them. They were facing north-east, and the path droids had used was clearly visible in the long grass that few small trees spotted. The grass was now burned and trampled, still smoking in some places. Ahsoka noticed a medium-sized hole, created by an exploding grenade, in the ground right where her master could have been standing.
“This way!” Ahsoka shouted to the senator, who ran after her. Their feet blew ash and dirt off the ground, and Ahsoka found her eyes getting wet. I am not crying. I will NOT cry, she thought and ducked under a branch to reach the hole.
Her foot got stuck to the roots of the tree which branches she just ducked, and she stumbled down to the bomb crater. She quickly got up and spit out the dirt she had breathed in tumbling down the slope.
This one is from the first page. Honestly. Am I doing well, bad, or very bad? (joke would work in Finnish, where "well" and "very" can be the same word "hyvin")

Shouting. Shooting. Massive clanking of droids.”Sir, are you sure this is going to work?” Rex asked from Anakin who wasn't visible on screen.
Have my plans ever failed, Rex?” Anakin said. The recording showed Anakin running towards the droids. He blocked and ducked most of the blaster bolts aimed at him, but just where Ahsoka was now standing, something hit him. He almost collapsed, but kept blocking the bolts with his lightsaber in one hand, the other clutching his stomach.
SIR!!!” Rex shouted, even though Anakin had no chance of hearing it from that distance. Something flew in the air, landing behind and right from Anakin. It was a grenade. Anakin tried to jump away from it to escape the blast, but he was wounded and too slow: the exploding grenade caught him mid-air and sent him flying to the left, to the grass, away from the droids.
Okay! Who blaster-kriffer threw that grenade?!” Rex shouted to his fellow troops as he turned briefly around. On another side of the path, a clone hesitantly lifted his gun to show he was to blame, but before Rex managed to shout anything to his brother, the clone was shot straight through his head.
Oh for the love of Kamino...” Rex muttered under his breath and turned back to shoot the droids.
This one is right in the beginning of the second page. It's a holocam recording that Rex gave to Ahsoka. I think you'll now figure out what my fanfic is aiming for, and where it started from...

The grass twisted under their legs, moving away when Ahsoka pushed it. Her fingers were now full of scratches from the grass, and probably so was her back. She didn't care; she saw an opening in the grass and ran for it, expecting to see her master laying there motionless, maybe even dead.
She was shocked of what she saw. Nothing, absolutely nothing. “But... but this is the place where he must have landed!” Ahsoka whimpered and fell to her knees. Tears fell from her eyes, dropping from her cheeks to her thick shirt.
“Ahsoka. I'm sure we can still find him. Hope must never be fully lost.” Padmé said. Ahsoka heard even her voice was trembling, probably she was crying, too. She lifted her gaze from the grass under her legs, and she noticed something shiny in middle of the opening. She got up and walked to it.
“NO!” Ahsoka yelled as loud as she could as she recognized the object. It was a lightsaber. The one that belonged to her master, to be exact. She lifted it from ground, not thinking of any possible traps around. Nothing happened, for her luck. Ahsoka collapsed to her knees once again, now clutching Anakin's lightsaber in her hands. From her tears, she didn't notice a small datacard beside the lightsaber.
Ahsoka.” Padmé said gently. Ahsoka wanted to refuse to listen; all had been lost. Her master was no longer here. The Chosen One was no longer here. Ahsoka let the tears pour from her eyes and she sobbed very loudly.
“Ahsoka. Listen to me.” Padmé said and knelt in front of Ahsoka. Her vision was so blurry from crying that she didn't see Padmé lift the datacard from ground. “Calm down.” Padmé said. Ahsoka shook her head and clutched her master's lightsaber ever more tightly. “Ahsoka, everything's going to turn alright. I know it.” Padmé said, hugging Ahsoka. Ahsoka was startled at this sudden expression of emotion, but then relaxed and let Padmé soothe her. Ahsoka couldn't stop herself from crying or sobbing, but eventually calmed down. Padmé wiped her eyes after she had stopped crying. She still was shaking, and now coughed a couple of times to clear her throat. She took a deep breath and looked up.
No, this fanfic doesn't have AhsokaxPadmé. I know it may look like that. And that datacard is important. I just love to write like this, don't I? :'D I don't know... I think this is one of the better-written parts, with narrator that know all. Usually my narrations are POV things: not 1st person, but not all-knowing. It only knows what going around in one persons head. That would be like... 3rd person 1st person narration? Anyway, more from the fic:

“But... But Anakin was s-s-so injured!” Padmé exclaimed and started crying herself. Ahsoka wanted to hug her, to thank from bringing her back to her senses, but knew it wouldn't do anything.
“You love him... don't you?” Ahsoka asked. She wanted to slap herself after she realized what she had said.
Padmé looked at her in deep shock, but then nodded carefully. “M-more than you r-realize.” she sobbed. Ahsoka suddenly got the whole picture. Her master and senator Amidala loved each other. More than Jedi Code allowed. They loved each other enough to risk others' lives to save each other.
“I think I understand. I love him too, Padmé.” Ahsoka said, trying to keep herself from crying again.
Padmé shot up. “You have no idea how love feels like! You're a Jedi!” she shouted, scaring Ahsoka for a moment. She retaliated quickly, though and got up herself.
“We are allowed to love just like other people. I love my master, more than I should or is allowed, and that's the only reason we still care for each other!” Ahsoka shouted back.
Padmé took a step back, then sat down to the ground. He eyes were red from all crying and shouting, and Ahsoka found herself panting again.
Who knows, maybe Padmé isn't so OoC here. I think this is how she'll be before starting Roaring Rampage of Revenge on Dooku for capturing Anakin. And THAT's canon. The datacard mentioned in the third quote is relevant, as it shows Anakin injured from that grenade blast mentioned in the second quote. And you can guess who else >D
Anyway, is this a good way to make Ashoka and Padme reveal their feelings for Anakin to each other? they're both girls, and I personally know that we all shout things we might have otherwise left unsaid when we're angry. But I think I took it to a bit extreme here...

“Actually... I think my master might already think I know. He talks of you differently when I'm the only one nearby as opposed to times when someone like Obi-Wan or a higher Jedi Master is present.”
“I think he just loves you back.” Padmé said. “Did you know that during the time you were lost, after your mission to Felucia, Anakin was completely broken. I caught him crying at least two times, and when he slept with me, he had nightmares about you and often woke up crying.” Padmé looked away sheepishly. “I don't think I should have told you that. I don't think even he knows I know.”
“I... I suspected something like that.” Ahsoka said and sighed. “He looks like that. He does nag to me sometimes, when I don't obey, but otherwise he acts like he'd protect me from anything.”
“Isn't that what Jedis are supposed to do? Protect others even if it meant risking one's own life?” Padmé asked.
I think you can all guess what just happened. And here I also probably made Anakin a bit OoC with that musing for Ahsoka. Those episodes are currently airing here, so I remember well what happened in the end of 3.21. 3.22 airs tomorrow, and I'm really looking forward to it, because I haven't watched it yet from internet.

She collapsed to her bed and started crying again. She hugged her pillow for comfort but she felt completely empty inside. She sobbed loudly and curled up in the corner, leaning to wall. She was shaking under her sobbing, and soon she drifted into restless sleep.
She was floating in the air, above her unconscious master. He looked alright, not counting in the bruises and slashes visible in his skin. He was laying on a cool floor of a cell, probably on board a Separatist spaceship.
His eyes slowly opened and Ahsoka saw one of them slightly twitching. He tried to get up, but collapsed shaking. He couched feebly, blood dripping from the corner of his mouth. He turned to his side, and Ahsoka saw huge burns in his back. She gasped in shock: this was far worse than she had imagined. She lowered to the ground and tried to hug her master, but couldn't, as she was pulled back by something. Anakin seemed to have noticed her, and he turned his head to her direction. “Ahsoka... Please...” he seemed to say, even though Ahsoka couldn't make out the words. Suddenly, his master's body started to shiver and convulse, his eyes rolled backwards and he couched up more blood. When the convulsing eased, he started scratching his own arms, causing more bleeding. He drifted back to unconsciousness, but Ahsoka heard him say, “Please... K-kill me...”
“Master!” Ahsoka screamed as she woke up. She was panting heavily and she had to calm herself down before she got up. She hugged her pillow again and wiped her tears to it. For a long time, she just sat there, on the edge of her bed, clinging to her pillow for comfort she would never get from it.
Ahsoka was mentioned jsut in the last sentece before this quote, and I won't change these when I put them here.
And yeah... Very angsty Ahsoka, and very injured Anakin. Can anyone figure out yet what has happened? + Ahsoka technically saw to the future, Anakin isn't really in that bad shape at that moment. *got some ideas from Duel at Shattered Rock* <- I recommend that book, btw. It has clones IN LOVE!!!! I was like 'd'awwg' *heart melts* when I head it. + it has injured jedi, a Chiss, Mandalorians, and just general awesomeness.

And... I think that was about it. Rest of what I've written so far isn't really worth quoting, and besides, I like these parts way more than the rest. Please, tell me what you think of them!

Jul 1, 2011

TCW S3 ends tomorrow D:

NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!! I don't want this season to end -_- I need my weekly TCW.
But on the other hand, it would be fun to make reviews of earlier episodes, with screencaps, of course. Two days ago I watched all my favorite episodes from S1, which are 1.06, 1.11-12, 1.13 and 1.22. Can anyone guess what those episodes have in common? :'D And 2.21 belongs to the same group. Anyone get it now? Season three has at least 3.16-17 and 3.18, and 3.21 almost qualifies with the ending. Even 3.12 has a small scene of this, and so has 2.18. (Yes, I did check episode list to see if I missed any S3 eps.)

I think I'll try to catch that drunken Obi-Wan again... 2.03 was fun when pausing at the right/wrong moment XD

Jun 27, 2011

Who to pair Ahsoka with?

Ahsoka as the Chosen one by raikoh14
(Picture not by me, credit and link to original in caption)

Everyone loves (or maybe not) Ahsoka. I do, and I think she's a really good character. Good padawan, and first major female main character. (Leia and Padmé didn't get enough action to count)
Still, Star Wars is filled with males, new ones being introduced in almost every episode of TCW, and the existing ones have personalities that formerly only existed in books or video games.
Many fans love shipping, and Ahsoka is just one person in the giant Love Dodecahedron that includes probably all characters EVER mentioned in GFFA canon. (+ fan characters, but that's whole 'nother thing)
From that, I get to my point. Ahsoka gets paired with almost any male(or female) who appears in same scene as she. Earliest must have been Anakin, Rex and Obi-Wan probably close behind. After the movie, the list has exploded.
First season gave us... more clones, Plo Koon, Aayla Secura, Riyo Chuchi, Padme etc. I could come up with lengthy explanations for everyone, but I'll leave that for now.
Second season gave us more bounty hunters, like Cad Bane; Barriss Offee, Boba Fett, and probably numerous other characters.
Ahsoka was shipped with Shaak Ti even before season 3, and S3 gave us at least Lux, Son(it must exist), Kalifa and the two other younglings, still more clones(they were even named!). These lists could go on forever. Even Padmé isn't shipped this much. And she is shipped with Palpatine. That is all.

Okay, part two. What I think about these pairings:
AnakinxAhsoka: They're okay to ship. About 3-5 years of age gap*, and they have same similar personalities. They are at least attracted to each other in canon. And hey, you can't argue that they sometimes argue like a married couple :'D
Obi-WanxAhsoka: more age gap... 21 years to be exact. Obi-Wan was Anakin's master and they still do missions together, so... why not.
RexxAhsoka: Why not? I think Rex looks 21 and doesn't seem to age**, so he and Ahsoka have around 5 years of age gap. Rex was among the first people Ahsoka spoke to during Christophis operation, so hte support for this pairing is great. Also, Anakin is taken, Obi-Wan is technically(Satine/Jedi Code), so who we do have left of the ones Ahsoka frequently sees?
Cad BanexAhsoka: Just... WTF. Honestly, I can't see this "pairing" as anything else than a forced one-night stand, if you know what I mean.
BobaxAhsoka: Well, at least one pairing with the age gap to different direction. Ahsoka is at least three years older than Boba. And even to this, I say: why not? When they're older, after Order 66, Ahsoka is trying to make a living... And she will grow up to be quite a beauty, so if Boba doesn't recognize her, they could be lovers, maybe even working partners. Force sensibility would make tracking easier on close distances.
I won't give my views about Lux and Son, both are too new to think anything decent about.
Next, girls:
PadméxAhsoka: Anakin already has them both, so why not make it a three-way? OT3 probably for many, aside from Obi-Wan/Anakin/Padmé or anything similar...
BarrissxAhsoka: Almost proofed by canon ;P Braininvaders, anyone?
ChuchixAhsoka: So where did this come from? They're in like one episode, friends, that's all.
AnyonexAhsoka: everything exists: Yoda, Shaak Ti, random creatures, etc.

* Anakin is 18 or 19 in AotC, and 20 or 21, maybe 22 is RotS. (My memory isn't very accurate in this) Ahsoka is 14 in TCW movie, and I consider her older model to be 15 or 16. Anakin doesn't look like he's aged, so he must still be around 19-20 in S3. That's my explanation. (Besides, keeping Anakin continuously the same age helps to ship him with Ahsoka, because if he's like 20 in S3, and Ahsoka is 16 by then, so that would be a normal relationship.)
** Rex is probably actually around 20, but in my RJO where he's a normal human, he's 21. I know that didn't make sense, but who cares. He should look at least 22 in S3, due to the accelerated growth of the clones, but he looks just as young as in the movie.

Ending this like that because I have to go to bed by now, before my mom comes home and finds me on computer.

Jun 25, 2011

Lyhyt kommentti jaksosta 3.21

D: Anakin raukka.

Okei, ei ollu jakson pääasia, mut siin lopussa Anakin oikeesti näytti olevan murtumisen partaalla, sen ruumiinkieli oli sellasta. Mä siinä lopussa oikeesti kaipasin mun lohtudelfiinipehmoani, mitä mä aina halailen jos empatia yllättää. Tai siis halaisin jos mulla ois se käsillä.

Enivei, Linnaketrilogiasta on kuvat otettu, mutta niiden laatu sukkaa joten otan uusiks koko sarjan. Hakkasin print screeniä niitä kattoessa, ja osa kuvista on ihan suttusia. Ahsokasta on kyllä hyviä kuvia XD (esim. ekasta jaksosta ku Anakin on vedetty sinne kattoon ja Ahsoka on iha D: "Master!" sori, mä en tiiä miten sen selittäis, mut sain siitä sen kuvan :'D) Anakinista on pari, samoin Obi-Wanista. Kuvia on yhteensä joku 780, että siitä näkee miten oon sitä nappia hakannu. N. 11 minuutissa jos jaksot kestää 22 minsaa.

Jun 23, 2011

When TCW animators have WAY too much time

I watched Citadel episodes few days ago and I was stunned by the amount of all details the animators had done. Ahsoka's face talks more than her words in the second part if the trilogy! It's like the animators really tried to make her look like a teenager, her expressions were so natural.
Also, Anakin and Obi-Wan had some scenes where they looked quite gay. Honestly! I was taking screencapts like crazy, and the results were indeed interesting:

Sorry for the subtitles in this ^.^ But in this pic, look at their eyes... Honestly, there is something going on.
(btw. lines say: "I don't think so." "What do you mean?" They're talking about to how to get to one of the platforms of Citadel.)
Also, clones are very feminine, and the translator made perfect job! Honestly, they must have hired some young guy who knows Star Wars to do this, the translations are so fitting in some points. Translation often adds jokes to where they could be lost in translation if they were supposed to be jokes in first place.

What did I say about feminine clones! Those eyelashes look just ridiculous XD Could a clone look more gay than that?
I got a good pic here, without any subtitles. This whole trilogy was a good one, because there is a lot of action, during which there is no talk, so I can get lots of un-subtitled pics. Of course, after I get my hands on a DVD box of this season, I'm gonna take all these good pics again, without subtitles.

And why subtitled and not dubbed? Well, that's the reason why I love Finland. Only few children's shows and documentaries are dubbed, everything else gets Finnish subtitles. I don't know the reason why the companies do this. Probably because subtitling is cheaper than dubbing, and thus the dubs we do have are good quality. (Digimon Adventure and DA02 for example, any dubbed anime/animation in general.) Anyway, I love having my fav programs in English, and if it's on DVD, I can always turn the subtitles off.
Once I did a cruel thing with the subtitles in TCW: on the DVD version, a Swedish dub is available, but not Finnish. I just wanted to hear what Anakin's dub voice sounded like, so I turned on SWE dub and FIN subtitles. The episode I picked was 1.13(Jedi Crash) cause I absolutely love that episode. Anyway, this way I heard the SWE voices, but understood what they were talking about. Also, Ahsoka's SWE voice is wonderful! I would compare it to Chibi-Usa's voice in Sailor Moon S and SuperS, if this comparement is allowed. And only in the fact that I find the dubbed ones almost better than the original voices.
Back to my original point. Why IS everything dubbed in USA? I read from one site that an average guy doesn't bother to sit on the couch to watch the show, but must be able to understand it from another room. WHAT'S THE POINT IN THAT!!!!!! You listen to RADIO, not TV. Honestly, in this I find American standards STUPID.
Whoa, now I must stop ranting about dubbing, so I won't slip into raning about Sailor Moon. So, back to my SCs of TCW.

Ahsoka's reaction to the above rant about dubbing. XD
I think this one was the best of the pics I took during this conversation. Ahsoka's frustration is clear on her face. The animation truly has come a long way since season 1 and the movie.
Well, I don't know if you think so, but this is my opinion. I love when the emotions tell more than words, and Ahsoka is brilliant in it. Actually, I like Ahsoka no matter what she does, as I belong to that exact part of TCW audience that Ahsoka was designed to appeal.
I was fourteen when the movie came out, and happened to even be the exact same height as she was! (My lightsaber of choice would also be green, but that isn't related to Ahsoka, but Luke.) Now I'm sixteen, and I consider older Ahsoka to be 15-16. I still use her a self-inserty type when I write fanfics. Well, that last part wasn't so good thing, but I think I still manage to keep her in character(considering how she did act in episode 1.13, she wouldn't be out of character being overprotective of Anakin). But that's again only my opinion.

Obi-Wan, for this, I love you. I can imagine him thinking  'oh, fuck' in this situation. For once, IT WASN'T ANAKIN WHO MADE THEM FALL INTO THE TRAP!!!!! Yes, I am cheering at that >D
And once again I must admire the animation. All the fabrics look so realistic. I said in my Mortis-review, and I'll say it again: Ahsoka's shirt/tunic/whatever is wool or wool-like material. It looks a bit like leather, but has too rough surface to be leather. Obi-Wan's tunic is cotton or flax, as it is light woven material. I'm siding with flax, because the structure looks too rough to be cotton. And Anakin's clothes are of course leather, that was said somewhere in the books. And now I wonder what Ashoka would look like in a regular Jedi tunic, like the one Adi Gallia wears... Anyway, let's see if I have any more good pics saved :D

Nope, not any good ones. Blurry and odd, yes, but no good ones at all. Damn, I have to watch the episodes again D: I don't like the first part because it's a carboncopy from the comics. I never like it if that happens. Because of that, I thought I was going to be disappointed with these episodes, but in the end, they're... meh, okay. Average. I don't know. Anakin getting shocked(while hanging frim CEILING with ONE hand) was good, so was Ahsoka's face. Tarkin is stupid. I can't get myself to like him. Piell's death was unnecessary and also quite odd.

With that death, I actually can get to my quirk about violence in TCW. It's the injuries. Either they die, fall unconscious(Anakin, 1.13) or get small gashes(Obi-Wan, 2.05). Anakin should have been all bloody, and so should have Obi-Wan. Sure, they were in accidents that most likely cause internal injuries, but wouldn't they couse at least some bleeding? I understand that it's a kids' show, but the delibarate avoiding of any blood is getting ridiculous. I watch BSG, and that has blood FLYING. Well, almost. In at least one episode, a bleeding gunshot wound was clearly visible, and from that viewer could see that the bullet had broken a bone. Why then doesn't TCW show any injuries? Also, Anakin seems to be somewhat injury-resistant. He's been in at least three real accidents so far(1.06(which may not even count), 1.13 & 2.21) and he's gotten lesser injuries at least three times (1.12, 1.22 & 3.18)(<- all of these were shocking). All times, the depiction ahs been somewhat unrealistic. Shocking a person, especially one with prosthetic limbs, would hurt like hell, and probably knock one unconscious for a short time. Anakin doesn't seem to even wince at some of these. Okay, okay, he and Obi-Wan did scream in pain in 1.12, he did pass out in 1.22, and he was shownw to suffer in 3.18, but still they seem ittle unrealistic to me.
So am I expecting too much or is GFFA different? The latter opinion would take some bottom off my fanfics D':

Jun 18, 2011

Interwebs is SRZ

I take it too seriously. Honestly. I don't get point of using smileys(even though I do use them), I rarely use plz-icons on dA, I don't talk l33t or txt(nor understand), and abbreviations are also Hebrew to me.
I could blame my culture for this. Finns don't like small talk that much, and I don't think emotions are shown that much either. Some dialects shorten words a LOT, but real abbreviations exist only in written language.
Am I just too n00b for international internet?

Fyi. I'm 16-year-old girl who loves English, and would love to talk to native speakers, but doesn't understand slang.

This I'm sure of

I will translate my review of Mortis-trilogy to English. There's just too much fun stuff in there to leave you out of it :D Only downside is that I have to translate the subtitles back to English for you, as they are in Finnish (no dubbing here) and thus I might not be able to give you my genius caption texts. This has to be from the better end of the scale: "Unless Ahsoka lightens it up with the Force *winkwinknudge*" is my caption for the last screencapture, in which Anakin states to Rex that he wouldn't believe what happened to them even if he told him. More boring captions just whine about things that are WRONG or something else. (Like in one caption: "Anakin's shirt actually is too long; it should only cover half of his thighs") And then there are just my reactions to the shots, like two pics where I state that Imperial March is in order.
And there was also my comments about the music I was listening to when I wrote the review, but those I have to re-do.
Other good captions:
"Don't drink and drive!"
"Who knows what those two do alone..."
"Damn, I missed the death ray!"
"Can't... Breathe..." (was already in English :D)

I think that was it. But I'll come up with more when I translate the whole thing.

And on the same note, S3 HASN'T ENDED YET!!!! Not here. Citadel Rescue airs in 4 minutes. We get one epiode per week, no exceptions. No breaks, no stacking. 22 weeks of Clone Wars. And we don't have episode previews, so if one doesn't read from internet what's going to happen, it all comes out from the blue.
Guess what's the Finnish name for today's episode? "To the Master's memory". It doesn't tell you anything, unless you know Even Piell is going to die in this episode.

Okay, now I'll turn my attention to the TV so I won't miss any of this episode.
I'll also do a review of Citadel-trilogy, with screencaptures of the episodes. USB-cable between digibox and computer is an awesome thing.

Jun 17, 2011

x_x o_o D:

Nyt alkaa jo näyttää siltä et tää blogi sais ison herätyksen, kun tää on neljäs päivä putkeen kun postaan jotain. Okei, eilinen oli vaan kännykällä napattu kuva, mutta mitäpä tuosta, se on silti asiaa.

x_x nyt en taaskaan tykkää tän blogin ulkoasusta. Muokkaamaan siis sitä siirryn tästä ihan kohta. ... o_o MITÄ HELKKARIN YODA-KIELTÄ TOI OLI OLEVINAAN!!!! Ihan oikeesti XD

Anyways, alkaa olla tää mun unirytmikin aika sekasin. Valvoin puol kuuteen ja heräsin kahdeltatoista. Sama juttu tulee tapahtumaan lauantaina jos Sakky livestreamaa. Mutta minkäs mä sille mahdan että se asuu Tyynenmeren rannalla, jonka aikavyöhyke-ero meille on 10 tuntia?

Ajattelin muuten herättää myös ton mun LiveJournal-blogini henkiin taas vaihteeksi. BCD:n jälkeen sinne ei oo menny kuin Twitterin ilmoituksia.

(hyvin pitkä tauko joka on käytetty tumblrissa, livejournalissa ja devassa)

No hitto. Iskä sano et se ettii mun blogin D: MÄ EN HALUU ET MUN VANHEMMAT LUKEE MUN BLOGIA! Tai mitää muutakaan mitä teen netissä. Tai koneellani. End of story.

Njömm, en keksi enää muuta järjellistä, joten nyt meen muokkaamaan tota ulkoasua.

Jun 16, 2011

Älkää saako väkivaltasia raivareita

Mä hajotin tän tyynyliinan joku päivä ku raivosin ja repäsin turhan kovaa. Meni nätisti kahtia toi. Toivottavasti se ois mahdollista ommella takas kokoon. Tota Anakinia on kiva halailla :D

TCW S4 Trailer

I just saw the newest one, and my gods was that awesome. More Mon Calamari, more clones, finally really seeing Rex in that Phase two helmet - looks almost creepy - and... Anakin in that wetsuit? Honestly, he wasn't that much on screen, but from what I saw, he doesn't look pretty wearing it. It covers too much of his handsome face D:
Ahsoka doesn't look that bad, I think she actually will look really COOL wearing that suit.
Did I also see Padmé wearing a wetsuit? Or was Ahsoka from odd angle? They're the same height so it's not impossible to confuse them with each other.
Two dual-bladed lightsares on a four-armed creature? I think the lightsabers are - what I call - 'Ventress-blades', so that creature actually has four lightsabers s/he can use as four separate or two dual-bladed lightsabers. But anyway, that's AWESOME!

And now I want to know how Anakin ends up as a Dooku's prisoner, and why Padmé runs after him so eagerly. I mean, couldn't they even TRY to hide the fact that they're married?

Hoshit, that whole season is going to be a huge ficfuel for me :'D My brains come up with anything from any source.

Jun 15, 2011

Leffoja + musiikkia

Noh, ei sitten mentykään Lintsille. Hyvä päivä siitä huolimatta.

Käytiin Amarillossa syömässä ja sit mentii vuokraamaan pari leffaa. Mun on pitäny kattoa toi Ga'Hoolen pöllöt - Legenda Suojelijoista siitä lähtien kun se tuli elokuvateattereihin, mutten koskaan muistanu mennä kattomaan sitä. Tänään kuitenkin näin sen siellä hyllyssä ja vuokrasin. Sintti taas valkkas Quantum of Solacen, eli uusimman Bondin. Ei kyllä huono valinta, nyt kun mä näin sen.

Molemmat leffat oli ihan uskomatoman upeita. Jep. Tämä tulee siis 16-v. likan suusta joka ei yleensä tykkää Bondeista. Mutta ainakin musiikit oli uskomattomia molemmissa leffoissa.

Ga'Hoolessa muuten oli aika huvittava juttu. Nimittäin se ainoa musiikkikappale missä oli sanat, niin sen oli tehny bändi nimeltä Owl City. Tunnistin sen, koska mä fanitan aika lailla niitten muita kappaleita, etenkin Vanilla Twilightia, ja tällasilla bändeillä suurin osa biiseistä tuppaa kuulostamaan samalta.

Ja miks Vanilla Twilight? No, sen sanat sopii Anakiniin. Mä kuuntelen aina laulujen sanoja, koska haluan osata laulaa ne ilman että se menee ihan muminaks, joten sanoja tarttee kuunnella. Joten, kun mä jo ekalla kerralla kuuntelin niitä sanoja, niin tuli kylmät väreet miten hyvin se kuvas Anakinia.

Ja musiikista puheenollen, livistänkin tästä lataamaan Sunrise Avenuen, Skilletin, Linkin Parkin ja Owl Cityn levyjä konelleni... Kaikki nääs on hyviä ficcientekoon.

Jun 14, 2011

Eka kesälomaviikko takana.

Jos joku ihmettelee miksen oo kirjottanu viikkoon, niin syy on siinä, että mulla on ollu liian hauskaa ton enkunkielisen blogin kanssa. Tein sinne kolme postausta perättäisinä päivinä. Sinänsä saavutus kun edellinen postaus siellä oli joulukuulta 2010 XD Tosin toisaalta tein tännekin 4 postausta perättäisinä päivinä, pitää olla joku enkka o_o
Säädin taas sen blogin aihetta, ja nyt se on aika hyvä :D Hölötän siis siellä nykyään kaikista jännistä jutuista eri tv-sarjoissa, kirjoissa, leffoissa jne. ja saatan jopa kääntää nää mun TCW-kommentoinnit sinne enkuks. Ehkä, en oo varma. Ja jos käännän niin Mortiksen kommentit menee hämmentävän häröiks, sillä jostain syystä mulla on pokkaa sanoa enkuks joitakin asioita joita en kehtais koskaan sanoa suomeks :D

Ja noista jaksokommentoinneista, niin pääsen siis aloittamaan ens sunnuntaina tai maanataina, kun ollaan taas viikonloppu iskällä. Viiminen jakso siis enä jäljellä Linnake-trilogiasta. En enää edes musita mitä ne jaksot on suomeks :'D Kuitenkin, keskimmäinen jakso oli aika hyvä siltä osin mitä näin sen. Tarkin on hienohelma. Ja siitä tunneliporukasta luulis että Ahsoka ois se joka pitelis nenäänsä, kun mun mielestäni sillä on herkemmät aistit kuin ihmisillä. Tosin se meni ylempänä kuin muut, joten ne kaasut on saattanu leijailla alempana.

Ja sitten vielä kolmanteen asiaan. Meen huomenna Lintsille, ja mä en hirveesti tykkää hirveen rajuista laitteista. Tarkottaa etten mee niihin, missä vedetään pää alaspäin. Ja sen lisäks mulla ei oo hirveesti rahaa, joten joudun kaiken käteiseni vinkumaan äidiltä jne. Ja lisäks mulla ja Sintilla on eri laitteet mist tykätään, joten oisin siellä aika yksin kun äiti vahtii sitä mun mielestä tarkemmin. Voi että kun vois pyytää jonkun tutun mukaan.

Jun 12, 2011

No Shirtless Scenes in SW:TCW?

Honestly. Anakin had the best SC EVER in ep. III and so far there's been none in TCW. I need shirtless Anakin! Shirtless Obi-Wan would also be great, as we haven't seen him without his Jedi robes ever in the story. (I think)

And... Was Quinlan Vos shirtless in TCW? I can't remember and I'm too lazy to check that up.

Okay, soo... No one's been shirtless in TCW? Are all the animators male and aiming this to boys? That would explain Ahsoka's Cleavage Window, but why then have Ahsoka in the first place? I mean, the audience can't be that old kids that they'd look at Ahsoka like a possible girlfriend. Well, not when the movie came out, but who knows about current Ahsoka, being 15-16 and looking definitely better/hotter than earlier.

Star Wars actually is quite a base for slash/yaoi fangirls. Or boys, if that's their preference. Anyway, just think about all the possibilities! Han/Luke, Wedge/Luke, Biggs/Luke from the OT, Qui-Gon/Obi-Wan, Obi-Wan/Anakin, Quinlan/Obi-Wan from prequels, and the list goes on everywhere. I honesly have no idea what pairing are now hot from EU, as the newest post-RotJ books I've read are the Thrawn Duology. That was... interesting reading right after the T-Trilogy, as the chars were making remarks to the TT all the time.
And I read those in English! The newest translated one is The Crystal Star! Well, two TCW novels have been translated, but they were that 'choose your own adventure' type books. I still bought both. I love having SW stuff. I have a three-part comic collection, two-part manga and two random comics. And almost all the TCW comics they've published here. I love the stuff we get with them :'D I only missed the first. I thought then it was just some kids' comis, but it was the first part of the slave-comic. Now I want that particular number, but it's been two years, so it's impossible to find.

Okay, enough rambling. I'll leave my SW-collection to another post. Hey, I do reviews of TCW on my other blog, do you think I should translate them here? They are fillid with stupid humor and my remarks, and emphasize Anakin's cuteness. :3

Jun 11, 2011

New name, new subject

I just came to think about few things I like in certain shows, and about some things that are just missing from them. And as I don't write to this blog so often, I thought that maybe this would help me write more often, as these things are usually easier to explain in English than in Finnish(that is my native language, if you're wondering) and links to TVTropes will make some more sense than in my other blog :D
And my IRL friends consider me to be shy and not social, and to be honest, I am those, but on Interwebs I feel much more relaxed to talk about things, so expect a lot of random things. I'll start with the next post.

Jun 7, 2011

Mortis-trilogia huvittavilla tekstitetyillä kuvakaappauksilla. (Pitkä. Hyvin pitkä.)

"Balance is found in the one who faces his guilt." ep. 3.15
"He who surrenders hope, surrenders life." 3.16
"He who seeks to control fate shall never find peace." 3.17
Ykkösjakso, Anakinin haaste.
Tämä postaus on niin pitkä, että mä jätän siitä tänne etusivulle yhden nätin kuvan ja vähäsen tekstiä.
Tämä postaus siis esittelee Mortis-trilogian, joka esitettiin  14-28.5.2011. Amerikoissa jaksot esitettiin 28.1.-11.2.2011 ja ne kattavat jaksot 3.15-17. Trilogiasta löytyy jos jonkinlaista outoutta ja Mindscrewta, etenkin viimeisestä jaksosta. Lue eteenpäin ja ota selvää ;D
Varoitus: erittäin spoilerinen, Star Warsia tunteva teksti, jossa on myös tyhmiä inside-vitsejä, joista jotkin saattavat hipoa K-18 ikärajaa kirjoittajan kuudentoista vuoden iästä huolimatta. Myös Gratuitous English saa paljon puheenvuoroja, usein TVTropesin suulla. Tällä kertaa kuitenkin ei kirjoitusvirheitä!

Jun 4, 2011

Mulla on idea!

Katoin äsken neloskauden trailerin uusiks ja sain mahdollisesti idean. Anakin on nääs kidnapattu siinä trailerissa, ja ilmeisesti Dookun nappaamana.
Miten mä en voi olla ajattelematta tästä että Dooku haluaa pH:n kanssa naimisiin, joten se kidnappaa Anakinin ja vaatii pH:ta tulemaan naimisiin sen kanssa lunnaiks Anakinista.

Okei, toi ei ollu se juttu. Juttu oli, että kun siinä trailerissä oli gungani taistelemassa Grievousta vastaan, niin mitä jos Separatistit yrittää taas valloittaa Naboon, ja jedit lähtee sinne puolustamaan sitä planeettaa. Se selittäis pH:n vaatteet, ne kun on sen sotilasunivormu/joku ep. I:stä. Anakin on jossain päin Naboota, erossa muista jedeistä, todennäköisesti komentelemassa klooneja, ehkä Ahsokan kanssa. Videossa näkyy että se taistelee yksinään Dookua vastaan, joten kloonit ja Ahsoka on todennäköisesti taistelemassa droideja vastaan muualla. Sitten Dooku sähköttää Anakinin tajuttomaks ja lähtee planeetalta Anakin mukanaan.
Njömm, tuon enempää mulla ei vielä olekaan keksittynä.

Teen muuten tuota Mortis-trilogian jaksokommentointia koko ajan, että älkää huoliko, kyllä se sieltä tulee. Dathomirin teen sitten ilmeisesti kun koko kolmoskausi on päättynyt, kun näissä muissa kestää niin pitkään.

Päivän jakso on muuten canonia rikkova. Sarjiksia lukevat tietää mistä puhun.

May 24, 2011

Vois kenties kirjottaa useemminki, eiks je?

(Montako Tabsin painamista tähä meni?) <- random kyssä, ignore...

Joo, eli mä EHKÄ voisin kirjottaa vähän useemmin. Mutku koulu syö mun kaiken ajan... *angst* No eikä syö. TVTropes syö. Mulla on sieltä auki joku päälle 50/75/100 välilehteä, joten en devaankaan oo ehtiny. Ja siinä sitten ihmettelen miksen tee mitään rakentavaa :D Okei, pointti on tää: mun tarvii tehä kaks-kolme(-neljä?) tekstiä pikapikaa, ettei jää P:tä todariin. En haluu joutua uusimaan niitä ens vuonna. ÄI2, LI1 ainakin, ja ÄI3 puuttuu yks työ, mitä nyt rupeen kohta tekemään. Plus, olin kipeenä kokonaisen viikon ja missasin kaikista aineista ainakin 3 perättäistä oppituntia, parista jopa 4, sillä olin edeltävän torstainkin poissa. Ja sitten vielä viime perjantaina iski karsee kalansuomuihottuma enkä voinu mennä kouluun. Että näin sitä lukiossa vedellään!

Siitä puheenollenkin, teen tänne lukion selvitymisoppaan. Ykskin vuosi opettaa aika paljon miten siellä pärjää. Ysiluokkaan verrattuna lukio on sitten aika löysää menoa, voin sanoa. Tosin tää on henkilökohtasta kun mun aivoni ottaa lomaa kesken tuntien jne.

Asiasta lipputankoon, jaksokommentoinnit on tas myöhässä. Tänä lauantaina tulee viiminen jakso Mortis-trilogiasta, mutta en ole Dathomir-trilogiastakaan kirjoittanut. Yritän tehdä ne tänä viikonloppuna. asiaa helpottaa, ettei mulla oo perjantaina koetta, vaan voin vetää lonkkaa sen päivän. Telkusta muuten tulee Taisteluplaneetta Galactican neljättä kautta ja FlashForward uusintoina, eiks oo upeeta?! Toki mulle, jaa aivot taas karkkia. Molempiin sarjoihin mula nääs OLI ficci suunnitteilla, mutta eipä oo ollu pitkiin aikoihin.

Ficeistä puheenollen, kirjoitan Sailor Mooniakin. Ja suunnittelen sille nettisivuja. Jep, NYT mä oon multitaskaaja. Ja kun vielä pitäis pitää useempi blogikin kasassa... *huokaus* Ja Tassupolku...

May 9, 2011 shit!

Neloskaudesta tuli uus traileri. Tai oikeastaan pelkkä previewi ilman mitää puheita tai muita tekstejä, mutta herranen aika että onko se upee!
Sanooko Adi Gallia mitään? Kakkoskaudella oli yhdessä jaksossa. Neloskaudella palaa ruutuun. Plo Koonin pää on kulmikkaampi, tosin sen huomaa jo kolmoskauden vikassa jaksossa.
Okei. Entäs, musitaako kukaan Dexiä? Episodi IIstä? Koska samaa lajia oleva jedi löytyy neloskaudesta. Ja koska sillä on neljä kättä, se vois käyttää neljää valomiekkaa. Tossa videossa sillä tosin oli vaan kaks, jotka oli molemmat kaksteräsiä, eli ne voi olla Ventress-mallia.
Ja lisää klooneja. Niitähän siellä vilisee. Ja kuolee. Ja mitäköhän Rexille ja Ahsokalle tapahtuu? Että mitäköhän niiden kohtaloksi keksitään, että tää sopii yhteen ep. IIIn kanssa. Vaikka että Rex ottaa hatkat, Ahsoka tulee jediks ja sitten itekin katoaa? *vinkvink*
No ei, ei ne sitä tekis.

Teen muuten loput tän kauden jaksokommentoinnit harvemmin, sillä episoditrilogioista on tyhmä lähteä vetämään jokaisesta erikseen. Eli jaksokommentoinnit menee näin: 12-14(Dathomir/Ventress), 15-17(Mortis), 18-20(Linnake), 21-22(Ahsoka/thandoshaanit). Kolme trilogiaa putkeen ja vielä yksi duologia loppuun. Suluissa on jokasesta paikka tai aihe joka vähän kertoo mistä on kyse. Ja jos haluaa verrata tätä listaa tuohon jaksojärjestelyyn, bongaa sieltä pari muutakain aihetta ;D
Vois kylä tehdä tuon Ventress-trilogian kommentoinnin tähän heti alkuun, okei?

Apr 16, 2011

Ep. 3.11 - Senaattori vaarassa

Ei herranjestas! Tää jakso oli jotain niin uskomattoman mahtavaa, ettei sitä voi sanoin kuvailla! Mun aivot sai lopussa kyytiä.
pH, pH, pH... Pitänee perua mitä sanoin siitä viime postauksessa. Ei olekaan niin suosittu senaattori kuin mitä kuvittelin.
Dooku tiesi ihan sata että Bonteri ja pH oli tavannu! Ei se muuten olis kuollu!!! Ja muutenkin, se oli kertakäyttöhahmo.
Jakso oli muutenkin huvittavuuden huippu. Bail/pH-shipparit on onnessaan, samoin suomennoksille naurajat. Pari helmeä jotka nappasin oli Bailin sanoma 'Siinä on krediitti poikineen.' Enkuksi sanoi vain että 'paljon krediittejä'. Samanlainen hupi käy kun pH pöllii sen twi'lekin kiiturin. Suomennos sanoo sitä prätkäksi, alkuversio vain ajokiksi. Muutenkin kääntäjillä näyttää olevan koko ajan jotain omaa kivaa.

Jaksossa oli muuten pari TVTrope:sia. (ei, en tiedä mitä trope on suomeksi) pH sai Crowning Music of Awesomen sen puheen jälkeen ja sen jälkeen tyhmää foreshadowingia Palpatinen osalta. Korostaa vaan miten se oli kaiken takana.

Mun aivot sai muuten 'ficcikarkkia'(eyecandyn johdannainen) tästä jaksosta. Jotkut tietää, että kidutan aina lempihahmojani, ja muutenkin tykkään kun hahmot saa turpiinsa. Joten, kun Bail kräshäs siihe tolppaa, mä aloin hymyillä ja hymy vaa leveni ku pH:lle sanottiin ettei Bail voi tulla pitämään sitä puhetta koska se on loukkaantunu. Tosin ainoo vaurio mikä mun mielestä siinä kohtaa ois voinu tulla ois ollu aivotärähdys.

Siihen hangaarikohtaukseen liittyy muuten yks Shout-Out ep. III:en. Näyttikö Bailin sukellus siihen sen kiituriin tutulta? Jep, samalla taktiikalla se pelasti ittensä tulemasta tapetuks jeditemppelillä kolmosepisodissa, tosin Zett Jukassan avustuksella, jonka sitten kloonit tappo.

Ens viikon jakso on nimeltään Tappava käsky. Uus Obi-Wan nähdään siinä ekan kerran. Ja mun aivot saa siinäkin muistaakseni vähän aivokarkkia(sanon kaikkea mua kiinnostavaa tästä lähtien aivokarkiks, okei?)
Ja voi vitsit toi Lego Star Wars: The Clone Wars on sairaan hauska peli. Ahsoka ja Barriss kikattelee puolipukeisille treenaville klooneille, ja Anakin ja Luminara käskee niitten keskittyä. Ja sitten Anakin syö samisessa kohtauksessa jätkiä... Siinä on siis vitsejä sekä teineille että lapsille. Onkohan vielä aikuisemmillekin?

Ep. 3.10 - Ennakkoluuloja

Näitten jaksokommentointien tekminen toisaan pitää blogin edes jotenkuten elossa ;D Tosin parempi olis jos voisen tehdä nää aina heti jakson jälkeen, muttakun en ikinä muista tehdä heti XD

Asiaan. Tänään(siis viime lauantaina) on vuorossa jakso Ennakkoluuloja. Enkuksi 'Heroes on both sides'. Kääntäjät on napannu jakson idean varsin hyvin.
Tykkään tästä jaksosta monestakin syystä. 1. Ahsoka on vanhempi, ainakin 15. 2. Anskulla on ep. III:n kuteet. 3. pH on siedettävämpi kuin yleensä.
Ja hiiteen ne ketkä lähti shippaa Ahsokaa ja Luxia. Lux on YHDESSÄ jaksossa, hitto soikoon! Se kehitettiinkin vaan tätä yhtä jaksoa varten.

Mun pikkuveljeni ihmetteli miks pH oli kaveria separatistin kanssa. Varmaan joku muukin jäi sitä ihmettelemään, joten selitetäänpä se sitten tässä.
Separatistithan on Tasavaltaa vastustavia planeettoja. Ne pitää Palpatinea huonoja johtajana ja Tasavaltaa korruptoituneena. Huono juttu on, että kreivi Dooku on separatistien johdossa.
Kloonisotien alettua yhä useampi planeetta on jättänyt Tasavallan ja liittynyt separatisteihin. Omasta mielestäni jopa pH on senhenkinen ihminen, että saattaisi jopa ottaa hatkat.
pH on aika suosittu senaattori niitten joukossa, jotka ei Palpatinea arvosta(Tasavaltalaisista, nääs), joten ei ihmekään, että pH tuntis läheisestikin joitakin nykyisiä separatisteja.

Palpatinesta puheenollen, se on ÄLLÖ VANHA PERVOPAPPA tässä jaksossa. Oikeesti. Se hiveli pH:n naamaa. Mä en keksi siihen muuta kuin: "YÖK!"

Asiasta lipputankoon... Nää uudet vaatteet on ihania. Ahsoka näyttää paljon vanhemmalt kuin mitä se todenäköisesti on, ja muutenkin. Ainoo asia, mikä mua siinä ärsyttää, on Ahsokan pituuskasvu -.- se oli aikasemmin 1,61 m, mut nyt 1,70 m. Ja mä oon jumittanu 1,62:n, ni ei ihme että ärsyttää.

Oiskohan siinä sitten kaikki mitä keksin? Toivotaan. Tänään tuleva jakso on nimeltään Senaattori vaarassa, ja sitä en ole katsonut ollenkaan!

Apr 3, 2011

Ep. 3.09 - Huttien huomassa

Täytyy sanoa että tää jakso oli hyvin suomennettu nimeltään. Hunt for Ziro paljasti jaksost aika paljon etukäteen, mutta siellä joka jaksosta tuleekin preview edellisen lopussa. Harmi ettei niitä tule Suomessa, olisivat hyvä lisä.
Muutenkin tää jakso oli suhtkoht hyvä. Juoni tosin enteilee jotain tapahtumaan myöhemmin. Ja aikajanaa sörkitään taas, siitä voisikin oikein tehdä listan, että mihin järjestykseen nää jaksot nyt oikein ulottuu.

Mutta, asiaan. Quinlan Vos oli ok lisä, paitsi että homobaariviba oli liikaa niitten kahden välillä. 'hang out with you' jakson lopusta oli onneks säilyny käännöksessä, vaikka tuplamerkitys häviskin.
Liikaa lihavia hutteja. Hämärän planeetassa on lihaksikas hutti, ja mä haluaisin nähdä sellaisenkin, verrattuna läskinpulskiin Jabbaan ja Gardullaan.

ENS JAKSO!!! Aahhh, se aikahyppy. Jestas voi että mä rakastan sitä. Ansku saa viimein lihaa luittensa päälle, vaikka sen jalat onkin yhä uskomattoman kapeat, ja Ahsoka saa huomattavasti paremmat vaatteet.

Ja mä ihkutan edelleen neloskautta. Ihkutan sitä sen kauden loppuun saakka, ihan varmana.

Apr 2, 2011


*rauhoturauhoturauhotu* Neloskausi. Ei HERRANJUMALA mitä siinä on!!!! Ja tää oli vasta eka traileri. Kakkosvaiheen kloonipuvut - myös Rexillä -, ACKBAR (IT'S A F*CKING TRAP!!!), "What. Have. You. Done. With. Anakin?" ~ pH! Naboon sotilasunivormussa(oikeasti, ihan samat vaatteet kuin ykkösepisodissa), Anakinin sähkötys useammankin magnaguardin toimesta, Ahsoka sukelluspuvussa, Anakin vs. Dooku, mahdollisesti Satine pulassa, uusia aluksia. Siis vitsit toi kausi on pelkkää uskomattomuutta!

Mulla on vaihteeks GoodFeelingAboutThis-juttu, koska pH saattaa nousta siedettäväks, jos se lähtee yksinää Dookun perää pelastaa Anakinia. Ja jos ottaa vielä huomioon millane Action Girl pH oli ep: I:ssa, niin tunne vaa voimistuu.
Ackbar & Ahsokan sukelluspuku = MON CALMARI!!!! Mun on vaikee uskoo että ne viimein tuo sen mukaa näkyvään canoniin. Kirjoissa se on jo mainittu, ja nyt mä haluan nähdä että pääseekö yks Ackbarin sukulainen Jediakatemia-trilogiasta mukaan. Ja jo pelkästään koko paneetan näkyminen ruudulla ekaa kertaa tulee olemaan upeeta!
Kloonit, versio II. Esimakua on jo kolmoskauden loppupuolella, 'Linnake'-trilogiassa, mutta nyt myös nää vanhemmat kloonit(mm. Rex & Cody) saa pukupäivityksen. (vitsi toi kuulostaa 'fuku upgrade'lta, joka on Sailor Moon -termi...)

Ihan huvikseni lasken nyt kaikki leffojen hahmot, jotka tekee ylimääräisen roolin TCW:ssa(eli päähenkilöt ei oo tässä)
Aayla Secura & komentaja Bly - 1.13&1.14
Jocasta Nu - 2.01
Ki-Adi-Mundi & Barriss Offee - 2.05-2.08
Eel Koth & Stass Allie - 2.09
Boba Fett, Bossk & kumppanit - 2.20-2.22
Shaak Ti & Lama Su - 3.01
kapteeni Typho, Bail Organa & Mon Mothma - 3.07
Quinlan Vos, Sy Snootles & Gardulla the Hutt - 3.09
Darth Maul... jep. Darth. Maul. - 3.14
Qui-Gon Jinn, Shmi Skywalker - 3.15
Tarkin & Even Piell - 3.18-3.20
Chewbacca & Tarfful - 3.22
Oikestaan jopa amiraali Yularen kuuluu tähän kategoriaan, mutta se on niin usein, ettei ole mainitsemisen arvoinen.
Eehheh, lista on spoilerinen kolmoskaudesta, mutta minkäs mahtaa. Eihän se juonta kerro. xD
(Ahsoka+Tarkin=Alderaan*kaboum*) <-- näätte sitten