I've decided that I'm going to change the subject of this blog. It's not anymore just about Star Wars and fanfics, but also my other stories and ideas for them, most likely never going to be published. Like the ideas of Anakin being sick or what could have happened when Graystripe returned to ThunderClan during... was it The Sight? Anyway, those two are my latest ideas, but the latter is really odd. I could even write something about it here.
Well, I thought that when Graystripe brought Millie with him to the Gathering, shouldn't someone say something about "ThunderClan collecting kittypets"? It could even be someone from ThunderClan, but my point here is that maybe Blackstar could broke the Code and strike Firestar and blame him for turning Clans into kittypets. Or something like that... Anyway, maybe he would strike Firestar so hard that he loses one of his lives. I know, it sounds incredible, but from what I've learned, ShadowClan is ShadowClan and doesn't always do as StarClan wants.
And then Brambleclaw kinda gets mad at Blackstar, but Squirrelflight stops her mate from attacking ShadowClan's leader. And then Sandstorm hisses to Graystripe that she blames him for what happened but they have to get Firestar out from there. They(Sandstorm, Graystripe and Millie + maybe some other cats) drag Firestar away from the crowd to some more silent place and wait until he wakes up. Well, except that he doesn't wake up. He's fallen into some sort of coma, because Blackstar hit him so hard.
And the situation almost gets out of hands/paws of cats, but StarClan then decides to intervene; it remembers too clearly what happened last time when cats started fighting in Gathering. (Okay, was it when Clans were formed or soon after it? I'm not sure... Anyway, the Gathering that turned into a slaughter between the cats) StarClan cowers the stars with clouds and everyone sees the same "dream". Four will split to five, and soon there will be no thunder at all in the forest.
And of course at this point readers realize that ThunderClan is in danger. Well, that's true. But the cats don't know it yet. Especially ShadowClan gets scared, and they flee quikly from the situation. Also River- and WindClan leave soon. So, only ThunderClan left, they decide to get Firestar back to their camp. It basically means dragging him from the island all the way up to their camp. And there they take him to medcat's den, where he stays few days after his awakening.
And during this Graystripe feels guilty, because he brought Millie with him to the Gathering and caused Blackstar to attack. Millie tries to comfort him, but makes no effort.
After Firestar wakes up, he decides to retire, saying: "I'm too old for this". So now Brambleclaw becomes leader.
After these, I thought that there could be some sort of battle between ThunderClan and ShadowClan, and it splits ThunderClan to two; Firestar's followers and Bramblestar's followers.
Add something radom... too lazy to write more....
20 v. yliopisto-opiskelijan fanitusta ja sekoiluja. // Fangirling and misc thoughts of a 20-year-old creative Uni student and plannerd.
Jun 6, 2010
Jun 1, 2010
Tänää oli luokkaretki. Mentii Tampereel. Mulla oli ihan upouudet kengät ja sain hirveesti rakkoja. Mutta sain kaks Soturikissat-kirjaa ja FlashForward-romaanin. Sillä ja TV-sarjalla on hirveesti eroja. Listaanpa muutaman. En oo vielä lukenu koko kirjaa, mutta tähän mennessä vaikutelma on ollut tälläinen:
Niinjuu, FlashForward on enkuks ja Soturikissat suomeks.
Ja sitten, ehkä päivän paras uutinen! Ehkäpä jopa Paras. Uutinen. Ikinä! Iskä tilas mulle Soturikissat-boksin! Siinä on kuus ekaa kirjaa, enkunkielisinä, ja se toimitetaan 2-5 arkipäivässä. Eli saatan jo tällä viikolla "impata" itseeni enkunkielisiä Soturikissoja!
- Tajuttomuuden syy paljastetaan heti alkuun, kun Simcoe käynnistää törmäyskokeen CERNissä
- eli testejä ei tehdä ensinkään Californiassa
- Aikahyppy on 21.4.2009:sta 23.10.2030
- tapahtuma-aika on täysin eri, samoin hypyn pituus; 21 vuotta, 6 kuukautta ja kaksi päivää
- CERNin työntekijät itse kehittävät Mosaicin
- eli ei Markia ollenkaan :,(
- eikä Demetriä, mutta Theo sen sijaan vastaa häntä
- joten Lloyd on tavallaan itsensä JA Mark, sillä näkee itsensä toisen naisen kanssa, vaikka on suunnittelemassa yhteistä tulevaisuutta Michikon kanssa, ja Michiko on tavallaan Olivia ja Janis(Olivialta eri tilanne kuin miehellään ja Janikselta lapsi)
Niinjuu, FlashForward on enkuks ja Soturikissat suomeks.
Ja sitten, ehkä päivän paras uutinen! Ehkäpä jopa Paras. Uutinen. Ikinä! Iskä tilas mulle Soturikissat-boksin! Siinä on kuus ekaa kirjaa, enkunkielisinä, ja se toimitetaan 2-5 arkipäivässä. Eli saatan jo tällä viikolla "impata" itseeni enkunkielisiä Soturikissoja!
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