Eli, olkaapa hyvät: lyhyitä makupaloja A hero gone missingin seuraavasta kappaleesta XVIII.
What the Alliance leaders would say if they knew that Luke and Leia were Vader’s children? What would Luke and Leia do if they were kicked out of Alliance? Luke had no idea. If they just dumped him and Leia because they were some sort of a “treachery” to Alliance, Luke wouldn’t know what to know.
Elikkä Luken ajatuksia siitä jos Kapinaliiton johtajat saa tietää Luken ja Leian olevan Vaderin lapsia.
"Han… I’m sorry about Falcon.”
“You don’t have to be. It wasn’t your fault.”
“But it was! If I hadn’t been caught, you wouldn’t have needed to come after me. If I…” Luke trailed off and started to cry.
“Luke, I don’t blame you. And neither should you"
Taas Luke. Tällä kertaa tuntee olevansa syyllinen siitä että Falcon tuhoutui. (Kyllä, se TUHOUTUI, sitä ei voi korjata. Jatkoa sillekin seuraa vielä viimeiseesä osassa.)
"I was fool when I let him get up from bed. He… With these wounds, he shouldn’t even be awake.” Leia said and shivered. “His ribs are broken, his other lung is damaged, almost all his bones have fractures and he’s got at least ten concussions. I… I don’t get it. How could he seem so healthy when he was this injured?”
Luke onkin loukkaantunut vähän pahemmin kuin ketän kuvitteli.
Luke thought that he was dying; he couldn’t feel his body and he felt like he was totally in different place. But he was floating on something and he felt pain, so he couldn’t possibly be dead.
He slowly opened his eyes. So, he wasn’t dead. But he didn’t feel to be alive, either.
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